“The energy of the Earth flows through the veins of Springtime.” ~ Terri Guillemets

Good morning, dear friends. It is so good to see you and I thank you for visiting Maison de Jardin.
This morning finds me under a blanket of snow with cold temperatures, and I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of beautiful spring blooms. I rather imagine this to be true for most everyone.
In going through one of my old garden journals, checking to see the date of when I cut the first daffodils from previous years, I had written on the top of a page ~ ‘Spring Whispers.’ Now, I can’t say for certain if this was a thought or something I read. Perhaps, it came forth from an entry on March 7, 2008, when I recorded the six inches of snow we received. But, wherever it came from ~ spring does whisper. Now, when did I actually cut the first daffodils? According to the 2008 journal, I cut the first daffodils of the season on March 15.
I suppose if spring arrived all at once, with blue skies, warm temperatures, and glorious blooms, we wouldn’t appreciate it as much. Although, I wouldn’t mind Mother Nature giving us a little more than a whisper.

“Whoa! I feel good, I knew that I would…” ~ James Brown

For those of you who have never been around lambs in the spring, the photo above is completely accurate. They leap and twist in the air, my goodness they ‘feel good.’ And, don’t the whispers of spring make all of us want to kick up our heels? ‘Whoa! We feel good.’

All ‘God’s Creatures Great and Small’ are out and about, enjoying the warmth of the sun.

Sweet birds are hoarding nesting materials, preparing for new life.

And, then there are those who are shouting, not whispering ~ “Welcome Spring.”

“There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature – the assurance that dawn comes after night and spring after winter.” ~ Rachel Carson

I love to be outdoors, in a favorite place and watch the world turn green. Do you have such a place in which to enjoy something you love?

Perhaps, you know a place where wild bluebells grow.

Or, a bank where the primroses thrive.
“Primroses, the Spring may love them; Summer knows but little of them.” ~ William Wordsworth
But, guess what? I know a place where wild violets grow ~ in our garden. When I first saw them I was ecstatic. They return every year. Now, understand I am not a gardener with exceptional skills. Violets grow all over the state of WV. They are a treasure of “Wild, Wonderful, West Virginia.”

“Who bends a knee where violets grow a hundred secret things shall know.” ~ Rachel Field

“In the wee small hours, amongst the birdsong and quiet light, I took myself off for a slow-paced stroll and unearthed a paradise.” ~ Flora Turrill

Oh, how I love mornings outdoors, especially in spring. Everything is waking up. Blooms which close at night are opening, the birds are singing, and with my coffee in hand, I sing, too. Truly ‘paradise.’

It is such a privilege to be able to enjoy the glorious beauty of this earth. At no time is it more beautiful than in the spring.

“All those who love Nature she loves in return, and will richly reward, not perhaps with the good things, as they are commonly called, but with the best things of this world-not with money and titles, horses and carriages, but with bright and happy thoughts, contentment and peace of mind.” ~ John Lubbock

“Every spring is the only spring, a perpetual astonishment.” ~ Ellis Peters

Every year I find myself thinking, “I believe this is the prettiest spring ever. The daffodils were the best, the tulips were more vivid in their color, or the surprises were greater, like the pink bell-shaped clematis I had given up on.” Are you guilty of the same?

Love and patience equal lovely blooms.

“I woke up this morning, smiled at the rising sun.” ~ Bob Marley
In closing, I do hope you are seeing ‘Spring Whispers.’ It is so important to savor this glorious time of year. And the fact that spring arrives slowly, in her own sweet time, is what makes her so dear and utterly irresistible. She asks us to savor the moments and not rush through them ~ to ‘be’ and enjoy.
“I fell into a bed of flowers,” ~ John Keats
Soon we will be drinking in beauty at every turn and gasping at the sight of exquisite beds of flowers. But, until then, we must enjoy ‘spring whispers’…
“And the fragrance, and the honey, and of course the sun, the purely pure sun, shining, all the while, over all of us.” ~ Mary Oliver

Wishing you stunning beauty with every ‘whisper’ you see.
Have a wonderful week! ?
Au Revoir,
Images: via tumblr