Sunday Thoughts ~ March 31, 2019

“I am going to try to pay attention to the spring. 


I am going to look around at all the flowers,

16 тыс. отметок «Нравится», 299 комментариев — Janne (@jannelford) в Instagram: «Hope you've all had a lovely weekend We've spent most of it outside and I even managed to plant a…»

and look up at the hectic trees.

I am going to close my eyes and listen.” ~ Anne Lamott


To hear the hum of bees.


And, the symphony of sweet birdsong.

55 Unique Images Of #Birds That You Will Love!


Dear Friends, Wishing you and yours a beautiful and peaceful day.

And remember to…


“Try and pay attention to the spring.”  It is such a beautiful gift.


Au Revoir,




Images: ~Pinterest and Tumblr.  Unless otherwise stated, I do not claim ownership of these photos. These photos are the work of tremendously talented people and I simply compiled them for your enjoyment.

































Colors of Interest

“Home is the nicest word there is.” ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder

Our home, Maison de Jardin (The Garden House), circa 1939


“Good morning!” The bird says to you. “Good morning!” The bird’s friend says to you. “Good morning!” “Good morning!” “Good morning!” ~ unknown 

Dear friends, the birds are so happy to see you and I am too.   Isn’t it wonderful ~ we have another new day to greet?  I do hope you are seeing sunshine, blue skies, and signs of spring.

“My home. It is my retreat and resting place,” said  Michel de Montaigne.  I believe those words to be true for all of us.  And, now that spring has arrived, we are anxious to fluff our nests, open the windows, and say goodbye to winter.  Our dear home receives so much light and when the sun shines through her many windows it certainly brings to the front the things which need my attention.  Sound familiar?  I enjoy our home (our ‘retreat’) looking happy and fresh, not tired from winter, and I imagine you do also.

So, do you have spring projects in mind?  Perhaps, you are thinking of painting your front door a lovely new color, or there is a chair which has seen one too many winters and is in need of reupholstering.  Maybe you have thoughts of a new wall color for a room, or you have decided the pillows on your sofa are tired.  For each of us, the list will be different.  All this being said, today I thought I would share some pretty colors I have found to possibly give you a bit of inspiration.  A fresh color can give energy to a room and to you. 

Without further chatter from me,  find your coffee and let’s begin.  Remember, as you go along, this post is not to show you designs or styles it is about color inspiration.  And, you will see at the end of each color segment, I have added something from Mother Nature.  I always go to her for inspiration.

“You can never go wrong with a little pink…a lot works too.” ~ Dana Dalgetty

sweetcribs: “Girly? Yes. Acceptable? Yes. ”

 I am a little smitten with the background color of this sofa, love the toile also.

Image may contain: living room, table and indoor

Pink just makes this room smile.

Five of the very best double peonies you can grow, this value collection of classics will provide pleasure in the garden and in the vase for years to come.

 It is hard to surpass the many shades of pink offered by Mother Nature.

“For still there are so many things that I have never seen:  In every wood, in every spring, there is a different green.” ~ J. R. R. Tolkien


 Green is nature’s color and there is a shade of green that will be happy in every room and with every color.


The color green symbolizes balance, nature, spring, and rebirth. It’s the symbol of prosperity, freshness, and progress.

Become your own florist: Create luscious flower arrangements at home

I love the many shades of green in this arrangement, especially in the leaves of the Aucuba.

“How lovely yellow is! It stands for the sun”. ~ Vincent Van Gogh

I remember the first yellow room I ever saw was when I was a freshman in high school. It belonged to a family friend and had been des...


 “Live in rooms full of light.” ~ Cornelius CelsusWith such a bold yellow sofa, it's a good idea to limit your pillow picks to various shades of blue. The contrast is totally punchy, but the effect is so classic.

“Sunlight! The most precious gold to be found on Earth.” ~ Roman Payne

Iris, Pandora.  Named for the lovely lady who gave her to me.  Pandora is pure sunshine.

“Blue color is everlastingly appointed by the deity to be a source of delight.” ~ John Ruskin


Blue is my favorite color.  All shades of blue speak to me, but I am partial to the soft French blue, such as the door below is wearing.

“There is no blue without yellow…” ~ Vincent Van Gogh

Just in case you have plans to paint your front door, the French believe blue on outside doors and shutters sends away evil spirits.  

Image may contain: table and indoor

This room certainly gives inspiration for color selections.  From the background color of the wall covering to the many colors of pillows.  The lovely emerald green is a color which captures my attention.

“Oh! Darkly, deeply beautiful blue, as someone somewhere sings about the sky.” ~ Lord Byron

 Again, Mother Nature shows us such lovely shades.

In closing, I hope you have enjoyed your visit.  And, perhaps you have received a bit of inspiration for a project you may be pondering. If you are uncertain about a color you would like for a specific project, take a trip through your local garden center and soak up the blooms.  You are certain to fall in love with a color that will make your smile.  Coral Charm peonies Peony, Coral Sunset (see note at the end of this post)


“What a desolate place would the world be without flowers.”  A. J. Balfour


Wishing you glorious spring days. 

And, may you…

Créer de la beauté, devenir inspiré  ~ Create Beauty, Become Inspired!

Au Revoir,




Notes:  Pantone’s Color of The Year, 2019 ~ Living Coral

“Living Coral emits the desired, familiar, and energizing aspects of color found in nature.” – The Pantone Color Institute

Images: Michael S. Lambiotte, Pinterest, Traditional Home, Tumblr












































































































Sunday Thoughts ~ March 24, 2019

“The sunrise, of course, doesn’t care if we watch it or not. It will keep on being beautiful, even if no one bothers to look at it.” ~Gene Amole

lsleofskye: “Morning View ”

“As morning dawns and evenings fades, You inspire songs of praise…” ~ Paul Baloche 

Presque Isle Sunset by Christopher Lane Photography Lake Erie, Pennsylvania

“Thank you is what each and every one of us should say when we see either a sunrise or sunset.  And when we do that, maybe, just maybe the world will start to become a better place.” ~ Anthony T. Hincks


Thanks so much for your visit.

Wishing you and yours a beautiful day and week ahead.


Au Revoir,



Images: via tumblr






Oh, Sweet Spring ~ You Have Arrived!

“Came the spring with all its splendor, All its birds and all its blossoms, All its flowers and leaves and grasses.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Arrangement by, Kate Holt.  Flower (see note at the end of this post)

Good morning, dear friends.  It is wonderful to see you and I thank you so much for visiting.  

Well, the day many of us have been waiting for has finally arrived ~ the first day of spring.  There are such glorious days ahead, full of blossoms and blooms. I do love the way spring seems to gently unfold.  Therefore, allowing time for us to savor the days and moments.

“Spring makes its own statement, so loud and clear that the gardener seems to be only one of the instruments, not the composer.” ~ Geoffrey B. Charlesworth

It is a glorious sight to see a carpet of blooms at the base of old trees.  It is almost as the blooms are saying to the trees, “Look what we did for you.”  Surely, such a beautiful sight makes the trees happy.

A drive in the countryside will present lovely meadows which, overnight, have become a ‘riot’ of color.

And so… “Spring has come again. The Earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.” ~ Rainer Maria Rilke

While there is a boldness to many spring blooms, which after a long winter can certainly be a welcome sight, there is also a softness to many of the blooms as well ~ a little whisper.

Image Tulip Angelique, a favorite and beautiful in a mass planting.

“I love tulips better than any other spring flower; they are the embodiment of alert cheerfulness and tidy grace… Their faint, delicate scent is refinement itself; and is there anything in the world more charming than the sprightly way they hold up their little faces to the sun. I have heard them called bold and flaunting, but to me, they seem modest grace itself, only always on the alert to enjoy life as much as they can and not be afraid of looking the sun or anything else above them in the face.” ~ Elizabeth von Arnim, Elizabeth and Her German Garden(1898)

‘There is another sort of day which needs celebrating in song the day of days when spring, at last, holds up her face to be kissed, deliberate and unabashed.  On that day no wind blows either in the hills or in the mind.” ~   E. B. White

In the springtime, parks and botanical gardens everywhere are in full bloom.  Truly, dressed in their finest, saying to their guests, “Welcome!”

Such places offer the soul a respite from the chaos of the world.  

“Thoughts, rest your wings.  Here is a hollow of silence, a nest of stillness, in which to hatch your dreams.” ~ Joan Walsh Anglund

“Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky.”  ~ Khalil Gibran

For me, one of the many joys of spring is the flowering trees.  Flowering spring trees are breathtaking.  And, none more so than the cherry tree.  I am especially fond of the weeping cherries.  Cherry trees are works of art.  They grow in such a lovely way and seem to know the exact point at which to bend or turn, thereby, creating magnificent beauty.

While Japan is beautiful year-round, the few weeks each spring when cherry trees across the country explode with blossoms is a particularly pretty time to visit.

” In the cherry blossom’s shade, there’s no such thing as a stranger.” ~ Kobayashi Issa

japan-overload: “by Kaz@pdx_nrt ”

“He that planteth a tree is a servant of God, he provideth a kindness for many generations, and faces that he hath not seen shall bless him.” ~ Henry Van Dyke

“Nature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own.” ~ Charles Dickens

In closing, one of the most precious joys of spring is new life.  Not just in plants and blooms, but in the dear creatures who share the earth.   It is pure joy to see them in their environment, frolicking along at the side of their mothers.  So perhaps, take a walk in the woods on a pretty spring morning.  The glory of Mother Nature is waiting.

Wishing you a lovely and enchanting spring.  Days filled with beauty, birdsong, and all the sweet things that make your heart flutter.


May the angels always walk beside you.

 Tis my faith that every flower enjoys the air it breathes.” ~ William Wordsworth

Au Revoir,





Flower |House|Garden|Lifestyle ~ Should you not be familiar with Flower – give yourself a treat,

Images ~ (Via Tumblr) Unless otherwise stated, I do not claim ownership of these photos. These photos are the work of tremendously talented people and I simply compiled them for your enjoyment.

Be sure to check the event section of this blog, it has been updated.  There are many lovely events happening in various towns and cities.












































































Sunday Thoughts ~ March 17, 2019

“St. Patrick’s Day is an enchanted time ~ a day to begin transforming winter’s dreams into summer’s magic.” ~ Adrienne Cook

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day, dear friends.  I do hope wherever you may be, you have a view of beautiful green.  Isn’t it is such a glorious sight to see our land as she ‘once again,’ trades her winter brown for magnificent green?  The beauty of the green countryside is certainly a sight to treasure.  

wanderlusteurope: “Pillaton, Cornwall, England ”

“Ireland is a land of poets and legends, of dreamers and rebels.  All of these have music woven through and around them.  Tunes for dancing or for weeping, for battle or for love.”  ~ Nora Roberts

pagewoman: “ Wishing Bridge, Gap of Dunloe (Dún Lóich) Killarney, Co. Kerry, Ireland by Sartori42 ” Wishing Bridge, Gap of Dunloe (Dún Lóich) Killarney, Co. Kerry, Ireland 

“For ’tis green, green, green, where the ruined towers are gray.

And it’s green, green, all the happy night and day;

Green of leaf and green of sod,

green of ivy on the wall,

And the blessed Irish shamrock

with the fairest green of all.”

~ Mary Elizabeth Blake

On this special Sunday, I hope you have plans to celebrate the day.  The Irish immigrants have made significant contributions to our country and other countries as well.   We are fortunate to have in our view(directly across the street), a lovely stone cottage built in 1934 by Irish stone masons. The Irish have also given us wonderful food, beautiful music, and dance.  So today, let us be grateful for all the hard-working Irish people, their skills, and their many talents.

Wishing you and yours a day of joy.


May the raindrops fall lightly on your brow.
May the soft winds freshen your spirit.
May the sunshine brighten your heart
May the burdens of the day rest lightly upon you.
And may God enfold you in the mantle of His love.

An Irish Blessing

Au Revoir,




Images: Via Tumblr





































Old Friends Of The Garden

“The garden is a love song, a duet between a human being and Mother Nature.” ~ Jeff Cox

judithdcollins: “Visit a Storybook Garden – atlanta homes & gardens ”

Good morning, dear friends.   This time of year, when I am dreaming of all the beauty about to unfold, I find myself so anxious to see my old friends.  Beauties I dearly love and many have been with me since we had our first home.  So, won’t you step into the garden, they are anxious to meet you.

“Then my heart with pleasure fills And dances with the daffodils.” ~ Willaim Wordsworth

Would it be spring without daffodils?  Certainly not.  I love all daffodils, but I will admit being partial to a few.

Fortissimo, shouts spring.  In musical terms, a fortissimo marking indicates ‘very loud.’  And, the daffodil, Fortissimo (appropriately named) is loud.

Daffodil (Narcissus) Barrett Browning - Longfield Gardens

Lovely Barrett Browning ~ her bloom nods like a bashful girl.

I do love the softness and frills of British Gamble.  However, something so lovely should, in my opinion, have a more suitable name.  Perhaps, Priscilla,  Apricot Dreams, or Elegant Lady?

Daffodil (Narcissus) Tahiti - Longfield Gardens

And here is my husband’s favorite… Tahiti.  Tahiti is a full double daffodil and a vase of them is a lovely sight.  Tahiti is also a strong and sturdy daffodil, not prone to flop.

“Nature never did betray the heart that loved her.” ~ William Wordsworth

Ah, there are so many friends who return each year to our garden.  They sing and flutter about, each with their own unique beauty.  My heart truly loves them.

loriedarlin: “via ”

“A birdsong can even, for a moment, make the whole world into a sky within us, because we feel that the bird does not distinguish between its heart and the worlds.” ~Rainer Maria Rilke


thetwilightgarden: “radiant by Molly Dean ”

“Butterflies…flowers that fly and all but sing.” ~ Robert Frost


Singing a happy song | Robin bird chirping singing | John MacTavish | Flickr

“My favorite weather is bird-chirping weather.” ~ Terri Guillemets

“To be overcome by the fragrance of flowers is a delectable form of defeat.” ~ Beverley Nichols

eat-to-thrive: “Sweet peas 🌸🌿 ”

Sweet peas are a favorite among my ‘old friends.’  I’ve never been without a stand of them.  Stop a moment, surely you can smell them. Their fragrance is soft as is their appearance.  To me, they are a girly flower’, ever so romantic.  Sweet peas symbolize blissful pleasure and are lovers of the cool early spring days.  Our seeds went into the ground on February 24.  They should be in bloom in May.  In the part of Virginia where we used to live, we were zone 8a.  There, I planted them in the fall so as to bloom in mid to late March.  Summer comes early to coastal Virginia.

“You will know it is here or getting near when the lilacs bloom.” ~ unknown

The fragrance of lilac drifting through the air is a gift from above.  I suppose lilacs are especially dear to me because I lived for many years without them.  While some varieties will grow in the south, they are really northern girls.  Quite happy in harsh winters.  

“Flowers are God’s thoughts of beauty taking form to gladden mortal gaze; bright gems of earth, in which, perchance, we see what Eden was ~ what Paradise may be. ~ William Wilberforce.
The iris ~ the exclamation point of the garden. During their blossoming, they seem to call out and exclaim, “Look! Over here!” ~unknown

Stairway to Heaven is a beautiful friend.  She is absolutely an ‘exclamation point,’ standing about 40 inches in height.  Irises represent faith, hope, courage, wisdom, and admiration.  Specific flower colors attach further meanings to the lovely blooms. 

“The fattest and most scrumptious of all flowers, a rare fusion of fluff and majesty ~ the peony.” ~ Henry Mitchell

shorenaratiani: “Lovely red peony ” Peony, Red Charm

Peonies are my dearest of old friends.  We have been friends since I was a little girl.  Many in my garden have been with me for over forty years.  Friends, I am eager to see and greet every spring.

Peony, Courage (notice the speckles on the petals)

Peony, Gardenia

“A rose is a rose, but a peony is a friend forever.” ~ unknown



“Springtime flowers bloom like colourful arrows piercing their way to the sun.” ~ Terri Guillemets 

nordicsublime: “ Alnwick castle gardens - ”

In closing, I want you to know my ‘old friends’ thoroughly enjoyed meeting you and I hope you enjoyed meeting them as well.   As the spring days unfold with blue skies and sunshine, may you enjoy many lovely hours with your ‘old friends.’
Wishing you a beautiful day!

Au Revoir,



Special Note:  The event section of this blog has been updated.  There are many wonderful events happening.  Check this section, one may be near you.


Note: Images ~ Michael S. Lambiotte,  Atlanta Homes,

Tumblr ~ Unless otherwise stated, I do not claim ownership of these photos. These photos are the work of tremendously talented people and I simply compiled them for your enjoyment





Sunday Thoughts ~ March 10, 2019


By, Amanda Lea Browning

Earth is a magical place with disguised treasures everywhere.

You can find these beauties

Forest Floor - by Tom Croce

these little mysteries ~ if you open your eyes,

if you listen to the world around you,

by Joe Kel

if you clear your mind of all the confusion and chaos that comes with life.

Let Earth show you how she laughs in flowers,

mylovelylife2014: “ Garden goldfinch ~ Christina Rollo ”

how she sings with birds,

czechthecount: “pacific northwestby czechthecount: instagram | facebook | 500px | prints ”

and water flowing over rocks,

how she grows and changes with each new season.


Let Earth embrace you
and show you her great wisdom
and impartial, undying love.
Open your heart and soul to her,
let her be your Mother and friend.”


purplelovesyellow: “ Wild Pansy (by CappiT) ”


Wishing you and yours a lovely day.  


During the week ahead, may you find “disguised treasures everywhere.” 


Au Revoir,




Note: Images ~ (Via Tumblr) Unless otherwise stated, I do not claim ownership of these photos. These photos are the work of tremendously talented people and I simply compiled them for your enjoyment



















Spring Whispers

“The energy of the Earth flows through the veins of Springtime.” ~ Terri Guillemets

Good morning, dear friends.  It is so good to see you and I thank you for visiting Maison de Jardin. 

This morning finds me under a blanket of snow with cold temperatures, and I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of beautiful spring blooms.  I rather imagine this to be true for most everyone.  

In going through one of my old garden journals, checking to see the date of when I cut the first daffodils from previous years, I had written on the top of a page ~ ‘Spring Whispers.’  Now, I can’t say for certain if this was a thought or something I read.  Perhaps, it came forth from an entry on March 7, 2008, when I recorded the six inches of snow we received.  But, wherever it came from ~ spring does whisper.  Now, when did I actually cut the first daffodils?  According to the 2008 journal, I cut the first daffodils of the season on March 15.  

I suppose if spring arrived all at once, with blue skies, warm temperatures, and glorious blooms, we wouldn’t appreciate it as much.  Although, I wouldn’t mind Mother Nature giving us a little more than a whisper.

“Whoa! I feel good, I knew that I would…” ~ James Brown

expression-venusia: “Spring Lamb Expression Photography ”

For those of you who have never been around lambs in the spring, the photo above is completely accurate.  They leap and twist in the air, my goodness they ‘feel good.’ And, don’t the whispers of spring make all of us want to kick up our heels?  ‘Whoa! We feel good.’

All ‘God’s Creatures Great and Small’ are out and about, enjoying the warmth of the sun. 

Sweet birds are hoarding nesting materials, preparing for new life.

And, then there are those who are shouting, not whispering ~ “Welcome Spring.”

“There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature – the assurance that dawn comes after night and spring after winter.” ~ Rachel Carson

Image via We Heart It

I love to be outdoors, in a favorite place and watch the world turn green.  Do you have such a place in which to enjoy something you love?

Perhaps, you know a place where wild bluebells grow.

gardenofgod: “Prima Rosa ~ First Rose, by Sue Bristo. ”

Or, a bank where the primroses thrive.

“Primroses, the Spring may love them; Summer knows but little of them.” ~ William Wordsworth

But, guess what?  I know a place where wild violets grow ~ in our garden.  When I first saw them I was ecstatic.  They return every year.  Now, understand I am not a gardener with exceptional skills.  Violets grow all over the state of WV.  They are a treasure of “Wild, Wonderful, West Virginia.” 

“Who bends a knee where violets grow a hundred secret things shall know.” ~ Rachel Field

“In the wee small hours, amongst the birdsong and quiet light, I took myself off  for a slow-paced stroll and unearthed a paradise.” ~ Flora Turrill

Oh, how I love mornings outdoors, especially in spring.  Everything is waking up.  Blooms which close at night are opening, the birds are singing, and with my coffee in hand, I sing, too.   Truly ‘paradise.’ 

It is such a privilege to be able to enjoy the glorious beauty of this earth.  At no time is it more beautiful than in the spring.

delicate-mirage: “(via Pinterest) ”

“All those who love Nature she loves in return, and will richly reward, not perhaps with the good things, as they are commonly called, but with the best things of this world-not with money and titles, horses and carriages, but with bright and happy thoughts, contentment and peace of mind.” ~ John Lubbock

Every spring is the only spring, a perpetual astonishment.” ~ Ellis Peters

outdoormagic: “Dance with the daffodils by Lancashire Lass …… :) :) :) on Flickr. ”

Every year I find myself thinking, “I believe this is the prettiest spring ever. The daffodils were the best, the tulips were more vivid in their color, or the surprises were greater, like the pink bell-shaped clematis I had given up on.”  Are you guilty of the same?

seasonalwonderment: “ Tulips ”

Flowers - and patience equal lovely blooms.

“I woke up this morning, smiled at the rising sun.” ~ Bob Marley

In closing, I do hope you are seeing ‘Spring Whispers.’  It is so important to savor this glorious time of year.  And the fact that spring arrives slowly, in her own sweet time, is what makes her so dear and utterly irresistible. She asks us to savor the moments and not rush through them ~ to ‘be’ and enjoy. 

isao-takeda: “2017å¹´5月13日 兵庫県立フラワーセンター 兵庫県加西市 ” “I fell into a bed of flowers,” ~ John Keats

Soon we will be drinking in beauty at every turn and gasping at the sight of exquisite beds of flowers.  But, until then, we must enjoy ‘spring whispers’…  

“And the fragrance, and the honey, and of course the sun, the purely pure sun, shining, all the while, over all of us.” ~ Mary Oliver


Wishing you stunning beauty with every ‘whisper’ you see.

Have a wonderful week! ?


Au Revoir,


Images: via tumblr



























































































































Sunday Thoughts, March 3, 2019

“Even though you’ve cut them, tulips take up water in the vase and get bigger.  In a way, they continue to live.  The notion that in every phase of existence ~ even the very end ~ we can still find a way to grow is one I hold dear.” ~ Carolyne Roehm 

Avoid bending and drooping stems by cutting the tulips short, like these, so they can be arranged tightly enough to hold each other upright.

Good morning, dear friends.  Today, I am sharing the thoughts and floral design talent of Carolyne Roehm.  Her thoughts, in my opinion, are important for everyone to consider.  Shouldn’t we all ‘hold dear’ how marvelous it is to learn and grow through every phase of our existence?  COLOR WHEEL – Look to Mother Nature for a rainbow palette that's pleasing to the eye. Pink, red and orange tulips evoke a fiery sunset when mixed together. Click through to see the whole gallery and for more spring flowers.                                                                   Carolyne Roehm design.

Many of you may or may not be familiar with Carolyne Roehm.  Ms. Roehm worked for Oscar de la Renta for many years, is the author of several books (Flowers, being my favorite) and is an amazing gardener.  She gardens at her home in Connecticut ~ ‘Weatherstone.’  And, with the flowers from her lush gardens, she creates exquisite floral designs.Spring – a Time of Renewal and Learning | Carolyne Roehm                                                                               Carolyne Roehm design.

“I began photographing my flowers to keep them with me ~ to keep me company in winter until the crocuses appear, and the pleasure begins again.” ~ Carolyne Roehm

I hope you have enjoyed a pinch of spring beauty on this first Sunday of March.  As you go about the week, I also hope you will keep Ms. Roehm’s meaningful words and these images with you.  Perhaps, they will inspire you to reflect on something you have always been interested in and would enjoy learning.  Or, something you already enjoy but would like to know more about.   Because, as Henry Ford tells us ~ “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty.”

Spring Tulips


Wishing you and yours a beautiful day. 


May your week ahead be filled with many moments of great joy!


“I’m still learning.”  ~ Michaelangelo


Au Revoir,





Images:  via Tumblr, Pinterest, House Beautiful























The Beauty and Grace of Taking Tea

“Tea is a daily companion that never fails us.  It warms when we ~ or the world~ feel cold, gives strength when we’re weary, and lends delicious grace notes to our gatherings.” ~ Kim Waller

Good morning, dear friends.  I am so happy to see you and hope you will enjoy our time together this morning.

Do you ever wish certain things could talk?  Oh, I do ~ many things.  I believe it would be fascinating to hear from old houses, barns, quilts, and furniture ~ just to name a few.  But, I especially wish teacups could talk.  I look at my teacups and wonder, “Who loved them, what were their lives about, and what calamities of life  did they endure?”  But, mainly  I wonder about the friends who shared pieces of their lives over cups of tea.  I believe I would have enjoyed knowing them.  And, perhaps they are pleased I am the current caretaker of their treasured teacups.

“I like to… think about the houses and the drawing rooms, the kitchens and the cupboards where the teacups were kept.  And the people who cared for them and what they thought and felt and loved and lost.  For as a wise French writer once said, ‘The reconstitution of the past is a delicate pleasure of which one should not be deprived.” ~ Geraldene Holt 

My enjoyment of taking tea most likely goes back to times spent with my grandmother as a little girl.  If I close my eyes for a moment, I can clearly see her kitchen and the table where we shared many cups of tea.  She would fix my tea with milk and sugar and always in a pretty cup and saucer.  We would chat and there would be a goodie of some sort to enjoy.  I felt so special.  As I grew older, my mom and I loved to visit antique shops and estate sales.  Mom schooled me on pretty tea wares and quality china.  This ‘schooling’ led to my collecting teacups and saucers, teapots, and far too many other delicate beauties.  

“We always had our tea out of those blue cups when I was a little girl…” ~ Willa Cather

(via dainty blue tea cup | Flickr - Photo Sharing!)

The teapot is on, the cups are waiting, favorite chairs anticipating.  No matter what I have to do, my friend, there’s always time for you.” ~ unknown

While it is dreadfully hard for me to pass up a lovely china teacup and saucer at a sale or antique shop, taking tea is about far more than the tea or lovely tea wares.  It is about slowing down ~ enjoying a bit of serenity in our chaotic world, and perhaps, offering the same to a friend.  Taking tea…a lovely and thoughtful tradition, available to us all, and it only cost a little of our time.   Yoli Brogger reminds us ~ “Tea is a ceremony of loveliness.”  I truly believe, as humans, we crave such loveliness in our lives.  It is important to our well being.

“Beauty is all around us, of course.  Our world, with all its sordid problems, still brims with breathtaking loveliness.  And one of the benefits of the teatime ritual is that of slowing us down enough to notice what is beautiful around us.” ~ Emilie Barnes

I will tell you, I don’t believe anyone loves gorgeous china and its beauty more than I do.  But, if you love it also and have ideas of starting a collection of tea wares, consider shopping thrift stores, garage sales, estate sales, and antique shops.  One can quickly accumulate a lovely assortment of beautiful china teacups without spending a fortune and they do not have to match.   In fact, one of the most beautiful afternoon teas I ever attended, the hostess had an exquisite assortment of delicate china teacups and plates all unmatched.  This had a charm all of its own and the guests were invited to select their teacup and dessert plate.

english-country-style: “Tea for 100! ”

The loving hostess of this beautiful afternoon tea well understood her invitation was about far more than her tea wares.  She invited her guests because she wanted time with us and she wanted us to savor our moments together. She had created beauty for everyone to enjoy.  People grow and flourish when they are surrounded by beauty.  It wakes up our sensitivity so that we become more aware of beauty. Even though this afternoon happened many years ago, I will always cherish the memories and feel blessed by the gift of beauty and grace from such an intimate and lovely tea.

“My dear, if you could give me a cup of tea to clear my muddle of a head I should better understand your affairs.” ~ Charles Dickens

As I begin to close this post, I’m thinking there remains so much to talk about.  The many types of teas, ideas for tea gatherings,  and stories.  The story of a most special tea service gifted to me by my husband, a lovely teapot that belonged to a dear friend, and the blue rimmed teacups from oatmeal boxes, which my grandmother collected and now belong to me.  All to be shared in later posts.   Meanwhile, I hope you will take time to slow down, brew a pot of tea for yourself or a friend, listen to birdsong and notice the beauty around you.   The land is beginning to wake up ~ we don’t want to miss a single bloom. 

“Tea quenches tears and thirst.” ~   Jeanine Larmoth and Charlotte Turgeon



Wishing you sunshine, blue skies, and sweet surprises!


Au Revoir,





Images: via Tumblr, Pinterest