Good Sunday morning, dear friends. I hope this finds everyone well and under blue skies. We have been enjoying some lovely weather the past few days. And as I write this, with the office window open, the smell of the honeysuckle on the arbor is glorious. I wish I could add the fragrance to this post for you to also enjoy, but perhaps the photo will stir your imagination.
Definitely, I agree with Flora Turrill, other than I prefer coffee in the morning. But, the beverage choice doesn’t matter. The pleasure is to enjoy it, if possible, with the “birds, trees, and bumbling bees.”
One lesson the virus has taught us is, I believe most of us have learned the difference between what we want and what we need. Certainly, I truly have. And, I have always been a believer that all things happen for a reason and I don’t feel the virus was any different. Perhaps, we needed to be reminded of a few matters of importance. Such as ~ the simple things, the small joys that touch our hearts, and provide us with wonderful memories.
“For me, wildflowers are joy-giving. They have enriched my life and fed my soul and given beautiful memories to sustain me.” ~ Lady Bird Johnson
I have always loved wildflowers and they are abundant in our West Virginia hills. Perhaps you enjoy them too. Every area of our land is rich with its own special varieties ~ beauties that thrive in intense heat, poor soil, as well as in freezing weather conditions. During this pandemic, they seem to be even more plentiful. Or, maybe part of my lesson was to pay more attention. Either way, they are lovely, and to see them makes me so happy.
I am fortunate to have many of my mom’s flower and gardening books. She always took along certain books on wildflower walks to help with plant identification. One of her most favorite things to do was to attend the Wildflower Pilgrimage which is an annual event conducted by the West Virginia Garden Clubs, Inc. and co-sponsored by the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources. It is held every spring in Blackwater Falls State Park, Davis, West Virginia.
“As I wander’d the forest, the green leaves among, I heard a Wildflower singing a song.” ~ William Blake
Wildflowers truly are one of the “Sweet, Simple Things of Life.” And how perfectly delightful it would be to have a simple meal with someone you love and adore in a field of wildflowers.
“The little things? The little moments? They aren’t little.” ~ John Kabat-Zinn

“The true way to live is to enjoy every moment as it passes, and surely it is in the everyday things that the true beauty lies.” ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder
Dear friends, I hope you have enjoyed your visit. Please continue to be careful with regard to the virus. The experts tell us it is far from over. And I believe when it is over life will be different. That is certainly not to say that it might just not be better. Know I wish you a beautiful day and a lovely week ahead.
May you enjoy all your moments and find beauty in all that you do.
Authors Notes: Part of the title of this post was taken from the quote by Laura Ingalls Wilder which reads, “I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.”
Honeysuckle Photo: Michael S. Lambiotte
Images: Regarding the images on this blog, most are from tumblr, unless otherwise noted. Most often, I am unable to determine the photographer or where the photo was taken. All I can say is, The photos are the work of highly talented souls and I would be happy to attach a name if I could locate one. I find great joy in sharing their work with lovely quotes from my personal collection and am hopeful the two together provide a message of goodwill.
Oh, I have enjoyed this visit, Sandra, every photo, every accompanying line of poetry or prose. That photo by Michael is exquisite. And today I especially love the line by John Kabat- Zinn: “The little things? The little moments? They aren’t little.” So true.
We just had a big thunder and lightening storm pass through. It was quite a light show. But it’s passed now. The air is sweet and fresh. I’m grateful for windows that open and close: we close them to the pouring rain and then open them to the freshest air. ‘Tis bliss.
Wishing you a beautiful day,
Brenda xox
Thank you so much Brenda for your lovely words and your visit. Mike is especially fond of thunder and lightening. I enjoy hearing the thunder, but I’m not really fond of lightening. We have a nice gentle rain here this morning. The garden is singing.
Wishing you a lovely day and week ahead.❤
Sandra, it is a pleasure to visit with you every Sunday morning. The photos and quotes are so perfect. I am learning to enjoy the sweet, simple things of life and hopefully savor each precious moment. Wishing you a most beautiful Sunday my friend! ♥️
Dear Pam, I always so enjoy your visits. Life does teach us lessons, it certainly has me. I have always been partial to the little things, but not as much as I am now.
Have a wonderful day, dear friend. Hug those little ones and have a lovely week ahead. ❤
I experienced the delight in God’s glory viewing the moon when I got up this morning. It was so beautiful and pleasant with the early morning temperatures. One day this week in my garden I experienced the simple pleasure of discovering new blossoms on my purple passion vine and finding a bird nest with four tiny eggs.
Thank you for a beautiful post. It is good to be thankful for every little pleasure.
I agree with you that the virus is not over. In the nursing home where my mother-in-law is they have five COVID cases. The facility has been on lockdown since the first week of March. We have not been able to see her except through the lobby glass windows on Mother’s Day. She is 94. It is very upsetting. I believe people have become lax and it is scary.
I also had the pleasure of eating my first peach of the season. Have a great Sunday and new week.
Dear Bonnie, I, too, enjoy the early morning hours. Watching it come daylight has always been something I dearly love. How wonderful to find a sweet bird nest with eggs, I hope you had your camera with you.
Bonnie, I am so sorry about your not being able to visit your mother-in-law. I truly know that is dreadful. My mom was in a nursing home for over a year and I visited her every day. I can’t imagine not have been able to do so and it must be truly heartbreaking for you and your husband.
I also think people have become lax about the virus and you are correct, it is scary.
Do enjoy your peaches, they are my favorite of all. It will be July before we see them here. Bonnie, thank you so much for your visit and your lovely words. Have a beautiful day and week ahead.❤
Beautiful images and quotes! There’s an area on our daily walks that in the past couple weeks I was catching a waft of honeysuckle each day….it takes me back to childhood memories of neighbors who always had the vines growing wild (and the Avon perfume many years ago). Love that fragrance!
Love the table setting among the poppy field, and the phrase after, “The little things? The little moments? They aren’t little.” So true! Glorious summer fruits, and the olives…..summer food fare is simply the best!
You’re right about our ongoing need for being careful in this pandemic. A friend since grade school lost her son in a tragic water accident near Morgantown last weekend, and I was so conflicted about attending the visitation and funeral. My friend admitted they let their guard down, and I hope we are not pushing re-entry too soon. Have a great week, Sandra.
Good morning, Rita. Thank you for your visit and kind comments. The honeysuckle on our arbor is called “Peaches and Cream” and it is not an invasive variety (I hope). I do love it and it beats the roses that were previously on the arbor. They were way too fussy!
I am so sorry about your friend’s son. Truly tragic. I will keep her in my prayers. I, too, worry that we are opening things too soon. The majority of people in our area are not wearing masks. I feel we will see the numbers increase dramatically.
Wishing you a wonderful day and week ahead!❤
Hi,dear Sandra!This post is one of my favorites…I really love it! Gorgeous pictures,adorabe quotes…Simple,sweet and true!Just perfect.Thanks!
Dear Maristella, thank you so much. Know I always enjoy your visit. Wishing you a lovely day and week ahead.❤
I have always enjoyed the simple things in life….after all my blog is called Enjoying The Simple Things! What a lovely post this Sunday morning. Have a wonderful week ahead!
Many thanks, Penny. I know you well understand the beauty of “Enjoying The Simple Things.”
Have a lovely day and week ahead.❤
Oh Sandra, you are so right about need and want. I love your gorgeous olives and can only imagine how glorious it is to have that honeysuckle drift through your window. As always, your Sunday posts really make my soul light. And now, off to sip my tea while I look at the lake!
Good morning, Jeanie. Thank you for your kind comments and yes, the honeysuckle is glorious. I am happy you enjoyed the post. Enjoy your tea, I know the lake is so beautiful this time of year.
Have a wonderful day and week ahead!❤
dear friend, I love what you say in this post. I agree I think that in everything, because you reflect the feeling of a simple and wise life that knows how to enjoy the true pleasures of life.
All this is a song to Nature, which is certainly what brings us closer to God.
This Thursday I have not published anything on my blog. Circumstances turned against me. I have a flood problem in one of my cabinets that also cannot find the fault. I have the house which is a real mess because it is a very big closet and it has a lot of clothes and more things, so with the exception of the dining room and my bedroom … the rest is a real mess full of clothes and shoes … On Thursday I will post.
A hug
Dearest Dolores, thank you so much for your kind comments about my post.
I am terribly sorry to hear about your flood issues and I pray you have none or minimal damage. Often times it is very difficult to find the source of a leak, as well as expensive. I hope it will be resolved for you very soon.
Looking forward to your next post. Blessings, dear one. ❤