Sunday Thoughts ~ June 7, 2020

“In difficult times, solace is always found in beauty’s serenity.” ~ unknown

Good morning, beautiful souls.  I hope this finds everyone well.  And that you are finding comfort during these turbulent times in the beauty of God’s many blessings. 

The smallest of things:  flowers, magnificent trees, fluffy white clouds, and the serenade of bird song ~ lovely rays of sunshine sent to nourish our souls.  Such things are truly a gift from above. 

“I wish you a kinder sea.” ~ Emily Dickinson

A portion of the Legend of the Sand dollar. ~ ‘If one breaks open the center, you will release the five white doves awaiting to spread goodwill and peace.’


Dear friends,

Please know I am wishing you a beautiful day and that the angels will walk with you along your path.


May we soon see “kinder seas,” and come to know a better world.


Scatter Joy!





Images:  Regarding the images on this blog, most are from tumblr, unless otherwise noted.  Most often, I am unable to determine the photographer or where the photo was taken.  All I can say is, “The photos are the work of highly talented souls and I would be happy to attach a name if I could locate one.”  I find great joy in sharing their work with lovely quotes from my personal collection and am hopeful the two together provide a message of goodwill.








14 thoughts on “Sunday Thoughts ~ June 7, 2020

  1. Good morning, Sandra! The photograph of the lavender flowers is so beautiful, and looks like a wonderful place to spend an afternoon on a picnic. My family and I have been spending lots of time outdoors. It is always such a calming place. Yesterday, summer arrived in full fashion. We reached 96 degrees with a heat index over 100. We have been so spoiled by a cool spring. However, we made the best out of the hot day with a wading pool and popsicles. We had so much fun! Happy Sunday, sweet friend! I too, join your sentiment in prayer for “kinder seas.”

    1. Thank you, Shannon. The wading pool and popsicles sound delightful. Summer has arrived in our mountains as well. I so pray for our world to see “kinder seas.” And, I try to hold on to that with everything. Blessings, dear friend.

  2. querida amiga, muy bello lo que nos muestras en tu publicación. En la primera cita nombras la Serenidad…¿sabes que mi lema es SERENIDAD?
    Me encanta lo que cuentas del Dólar de Arena…es precioso…mágico…
    En realidad la Naturaleza es un gran don que Dios nos ha regalado en este mundo…
    Un abrazo

    dear friend, very beautiful what you show us in your publication. On the first date you name Serenity … do you know that my motto is SERENITY?
    I love what you say about the Sand Dollar … it’s beautiful … magical …
    In reality Nature is a great gift that God has given us in this world …
    A hug

    1. Dearest Dolores, it is so good to see you today and I am so happy your comment came through. I did not know that your motto was Serenity. However, it is beautiful, just like you. Yes, my friend, God has given us this world magical and beautiful gifts. Wishing you a lovely, lovely day dear friend. ❤

    1. Dear Maristella, many thanks, my friend. Wishing you a lovely week as well.❤

  3. Sandra, Such a lovely post full of encouragement and beauty. Happy Sunday to you and I wish you a lovely week. You do scatter joy and I am grateful for your example.

    1. Dear Bonnie, thank you for your kind words and your visit. Wishing you a wonderful week, as well.❤

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