Sunday Thoughts ~ “Fresh Hope”

“After the cold, long, and dark days of winter, the spring season brings new life and fresh hope to the world.” ~ unknown

“If grief can be a doorway to love, then let us all weep for the world we are breaking apart so we can love it back to wholeness again.” - Robin Wall Kimmerer

Good Sunday morning, dear friends.  It is hard to believe Sunday is upon us once again.  The weeks pass so quickly.  

This morning finds me thinking of all the people throughout the country who have recently endured such hardships due to the weather.  My heart certainly goes out to them and I pray the days ahead will bring them “fresh hope.” 

A beautiful and dazzling spring does provide hope to the world, after a long cold winter.  It restores our souls with breathtaking blooms, blue skies, and lovely melodies from the precious birds.  Indeed, spring is a “forever gift.”

“Come with me into the woods where spring is
advancing, as it does, no matter what,
not being singular or particular, but one
of the forever gifts, and certainly visible.”
~ Mary Oliver, ” Dog Songs”

I can still bring into my body the joy I felt at seeing the first trillium of spring, which seemed to be telling me, “Never give up hope, spring will come.” ~ Jessica Stern

Trillium, Flower, Nature, White, Plant, Bloom

Trilliums are a glorious announcement of spring.   They make their home in the mountains of West Virginia.  They are quite happy in our mountain region, due to the shade and dampness of the forests.  Truly, they are a joyful sight to behold, especially after a long winter.

Trillium, Flower, Wildflower, Nature, Plant, Blooming

“In all ranks of life the human heart yearns for the beautiful, and the beautiful things that God makes are God’s gift to all alike ~ Harriet Beecher Stowe



Dear friends, I hope this finds you looking forward to spring days.  We all need to enjoy the warm air, sunshine, and glorious blooms once again. And sure as night turns into day, spring will arrive in all her magnificent glory.  Her brilliant rays of light will replace the cold and dark, and offer hope to the weary. 

Know, I thank you so much for your visit and kind comments.  Wishing you and yours a most beautiful and peaceful day.

And. . .

May the week ahead bring you joy and signs of the wondrous days about to unfold.  Stay well.


“Ever felt an angel’s breath in the gentle breeze? A teardrop in the falling rain? Hear a whisper amongst the rustle of leaves? Or been kissed by a lone snowflake? Nature is an angel’s favorite hiding place.” ~ Carrie Latet







Images:  via Tumblr and Pixabay




18 thoughts on “Sunday Thoughts ~ “Fresh Hope”

  1. Hello Sandra,
    When I look outside my window, I see only bare trees and grey skies. The beautiful snow from last weekend has been reduced to patches here and there. Spring seems far away. Then I notice fat robins in the holly tree, and some bulbs poking their leaves up through the ground, and I know that I must only be patient, for spring is on the way.
    Hope is a wonderful thing and something this old world is in dire need of these days. Thank you for sharing the bright and beautiful photos of spring flowers that will soon be blooming across the land. Have a most lovely week ahead.

    1. Good morning, Lorrie. We have sunshine this morning, but extremely cold and our snow is still with us. However, like you, I see bulbs peeking through the snow. So, I know spring is not far away. Hope is a wonderful thing and I do believe it has carried all of us through the dreadful virus. Wishing you a beautiful day and a wonderful week ahead.

  2. Thank you, Sandra, for the beautiful quotes and pictures about the hope of spring. They are refreshing and delightful.
    Yes, the weeks pass quickly. Enjoy your week.

    1. Good morning, Bonnie. I am pleased you enjoyed the photos and quotes. Spring will be a glorious sight when she arrives. I feel as excited as a child when I see our daffodils peeking through the snow. They will be a welcome sight. Wishing you a lovely day and week ahead.

  3. Good Morning Sandra! I always looked forward to spring while living in NC. I am so fortunate now to live where the flowers bloom year round. I am heading to our local botanical garden today.

    1. Good morning, Penny. I know you love living where there is something blooming all year. Enjoy your trip to the Botanical Garden. I can imagine it will be beautiful. Have a great week ahead!

  4. Yes, spring does bring hope. Thank you for the well chosen quotes and beautiful images, Sandra. Your Sunday posts are always so enjoyable. Have a lovely week ♥️

    1. Good morning, Pam. Thank you for your kind words. I imagine you are seeing many glimpses of spring in your area. We are to have much warmer weather this week, so bulbs will begin to make their appearance. It is so exciting. Wishing you and your family a lovely day and week ahead.

  5. “Nature is an angel’s favorite hiding place”–what a very lovely thought. We’ve experienced more snow than usual for the month of February but, other than when the snow was actually falling, our days have been sunny and bright (perfect snow days!). However, I’m usually ready for spring to burst forth by March 1st. lol! I pray spring helps to renew the hope of all, for far too many have suffered, not only Covid but, for many, some severe weather. May you have a most pleasant week ahead, dear one. Hugs!

    1. Hello, dear friend. It is so very good to see you, even if it is virtual. We have had a good bit of snow as well and extremely cold. However, the forecast for the week ahead is warmer temperatures. I am anxious to get into the garden to see what is peeking through the soil.
      Bobbi, I do believe spring will bring blue skies and better days for all. It is certainly my hope and prayer.
      Wishing you a lovely day and week ahead. And, may snippets of spring be all along your path.
      Stay well. ❤ ❤

  6. After one of the longest weeks of winter with the harsh weather and hardships friends and family had to weather, this post is more than a welcome sign of the hope that comes with spring! We walked today and I noticed hellebores about the blooms, flower buds on tulip magnolias and Bradford pears, and leaf buds on lilacs. I hope to see crocus blooming this week! Happy Sunday!

    1. Good morning, Rita and thank you. I checked our hellebores, before the last snow, and no signs of blooms yet. It is usually about mid-March for them. However, we do have buds on the lilacs. I do love spring, but for some reason, I am most eager for her arrival this year. Have a great week, Rita.

    1. Good morning, Maristella. We have had considerable snow and bitter cold. But the state of Texas was really dealt a blow. Thank you for your kind wishes. Wishing you a lovely week.

  7. After getting stuck in the bank of snow at the foot of the driveway this weekend, I am looking forward to spring more than you can imagine. While it’s beautiful, I’m eagerly anticipating the beauty of spring in its place! What beauty you give us to begin our week. Thanks for this colorful splash of hope!

    1. Good morning, Jeanie. I am certain you will jump for joy to see spring, after being stuck in the snow. It has been a long time since I have been in that situation, however, I well remember it is not a pleasant experience. The snow will melt and the flowers will bloom. We just have to be patient and read. Have a great week.

  8. Sandra, We’re nowhere near Spring yet, but today was gorgeous with temperatures above freezing at last and the sun brilliant in the blue skies. Your post is a breath of Spring. I bask in the lovely photos and your beautiful words. Wishing you a lovely week ahead. Brenda xo

    1. Thanks, Brenda. We have a little while before we see spring as well. But there are lovely glimpses here and there. Have a wonderful week.

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