Sunday Thoughts ~ February 24, 2019

“The flowers of late winter and early spring occupy places in our hearts well out of proportion to their size.” ~ Gertrude S. Wister

Good morning, dear friends.  While I enjoy winter, once this time of February arrives I am ready to see blooms.  I rather imagine many of you are as well.  So, this morning finds me anxiously awaiting the arrival of what I feel is one of the sweetest harbingers of spring ~ snowdrops.  And, these little lovelies are just about to bloom in our garden.  “Earth is crammed with Heaven.” Emily Dickinson


 The Snowdrop,” by ~ Alfred, Lord Tennyson

“Snowdrop Many, many welcomes,
February fair-maid,
Ever as of old time,
Solitary firstling,
Coming in the cold time,
Prophet of the gay time;
Prophet of the May time,
Prophet of the roses,
Many, many welcomes,
February fair-maid!”


Snowdrops:  Theirs is a fragile but hardy celebration…in the very teeth of winter.” ~ Louise Wilder

These delicate beauties(botanical name~Galanthus) represent purity, hope, rebirth, and consolation or sympathy.  Their precious nodding blooms, make my heart sing.  We have the white ones which you see here, but my mom also had a rare blush pink.  They were a little taller and did not spread as readily.   

sonisbonbonis: “Snow drops North Downs, Surrey, UK ”

Snowdrops are hardy in zones two through eight.  They enjoy a somewhat woodsy soil and a bit of shade.

So pretty. Textured vintage vase with snowdrops. Applause!

And what a treat they are to see sitting in a petite vase on a kitchen windowsill.  Such a promise of spring.

I hope you have enjoyed your visit and my ‘Sunday Thoughts.’

Wishing you and yours a beautiful day.

And in the week ahead, may you begin to see snippets of spring all along your path.  


Au Revoir,






Sunday Thoughts ~ February 17, 2019

“This morning when I woke it was cold and wet and grey.  But, a little bird sang outside my window and I remembered then, winter doesn’t last forever.” ~ unknown

“The winter will fly swiftly, then will be the spring ~ think of nothing but hope ~ heed nothing but anticipation… ” ~ Emily Dickinson, from a letter to Austin Dickinson, November 16, 1851

 “The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day He created spring.” ~ Bern Williams

Dear friends, wishing you and yours a most beautiful day.  

And, may your week ahead be full of joy, sweet blessings, and hope in all things. 


Au Revoir,




Images: via Tumblr



Happy Valentine’s Day

“The human heart feels things the eye cannot see, and knows, what the mind cannot understand.” ~ Robert Valett


Good morning, dear friends.  Happy Valentine’s Day!  I hope all of you have plans for a sweet day. 

To me, Valentine’s Day is about showing our love to all those we love and hold dear.  So, be sure to tell those special people in your life what they mean to you.  Hug and squeeze them extra tight.  You will always be happy you did. And, so will they.

“The rose  ~ the place of memory.” ~ Elie Wiesel 

Red roses are for many ‘the flower’ of  Valentine’s Day.  I will agree they are beautiful, but, often hothouse roses are not very fragrant.  Most likely, I am spoiled by the glorious fragrance of roses from our garden.  However, many beautiful words have been written through the years about roses and their connection with love. But, in my opinion, none more beautiful than the words of Amanda McBroom.  Sung by, Bette Midler.  Give a listen, and Enjoy ~  “The Rose.”


“As children, we were fascinated by magic, as adults we fear love, at what point did we forget they are the same thing?” ~  J. R. Rogue


Wishing you and all those you love a beautiful Valentine’s Day.  


Avec Amour,




Image:  Pinterest and Tumblr

Song: “The Rose,”  Bette Midler, YouTube












Glimpses of Life at ‘Crabapple’

There, beyond the smoky greys of city-life, the road will lead you to greener pastures. A little house with a blue front door, a garden big enough to grow all your hopes and dreams, and a view that inspires poetry. Life will be lived at a gentler pace. ~ Flora Turrill

Good morning, dear friends.  This past week I was, once again, going through my ‘little books of special things’ and I came across this quote from Flora Turrill. Which led me to think about our home in the beautiful countryside of Virginia.  I know I have chatted in previous posts about ‘Crabapple’, but there is so much to tell, I thought I would share a little more today.  And, by the way, when she was first built she wore a blue front door, later changed to red.

‘Crabapple’ was built with youthful energy, strength, love, and determination.  I will always be forever grateful for our sweet home and the wonderful times, experiences, and opportunities we had on those lovely enchanted twenty-one acres.  Yes, they were enchanted.  The land was flat and stretched into the sky.  The snow geese landed in the fields and looked like huge puffs of cotton.  Oh, to see them fly across a full moon was like something out of a fairy tale.  And, to see the fog roll in across the fields was nothing short of magical.

These beautiful fields also grew wheat, corn, and sweet potatoes.  During a summer breeze, I loved to watch the corn tassels dance, while wheat gently swayed. It was so pretty. Not to mention, how sweet it was to have a few bushels of sweet potatoes in our pantry. While this land did ‘inspire poetry,’ there were many adventures and a great amount of work which took place. 

“I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string.” ~ L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea

While I can’t say we lived life at a ‘gentler pace,’ I can say it was oh, so peaceful.  My husband stayed busy building barns to provide shelter for our sheep. Sheep are the sweetest animals, truly special and gentle creatures.  We had Romney’s, a wool breed, shearing around ten to twelve pounds of wool each year, per sheep.

laurelhach: “ Good morning Bridget and new ewe lambs ”

Shearing time was always the most fun, as our shearers came from England, Australia, and New Zeland. We had the same group for years.  There is a shearing circuit in the United States and they were on the circuit.  They would stay with us and we would take them to all the local farms with sheep. Returning back to our home in the evening, we would enjoy a wonderful meal and listen to their tales of travels and homes in which they had stayed.  It was a blessing to know them and have such wonderful memories of times spent together.  They were also a blessing for our sheep as shearing can be stressful for the animal.  Because the shearers were so skilled and worked quickly, it greatly reduced the stress.

“But where our hearts truly lie is in peace and quiet and good, tilled earth. ” ~ J.R.R. Tolkien

robert-hadley: “ Photo - AD Italia, September 1984 ”

Our gardens grew and thrived in the heat, humidity and boiling sun.  We grew every imaginable vegetable, many types of herbs and of course created beautiful flower gardens filled with luscious blooms.  I became skilled in canning and preserving.  Surrounding farms also provided numerous fields to pick strawberries and blueberries, while the peach orchards were roughly seven miles down the road in North Carolina.  I must not forget our marvelous fig trees and blackberries we planted, both are such an exquisite treat. Merry, our Labrador retriever, thought so too.  She knew when the berries and figs were ripe and she would ever so gently pick herself a few. Sometimes, too many!

At Crabapple ~ “There’s something magical and downright peaceful about rainy days and the moments leading up to them. My heart gallops at the sight of thick grey clouds gently being pulled along the white sky like little fingers stretching pieces of off-white cotton candy. I love the way everything slows down and quiets for a moment as the peaceful white noise of the rain softens the normal perception of the world outside. And I find happiness in the way the water drops from the greenery with grace and the way the sky rumbles with intensity. I’ll never tire of rain and everything that comes with it.” ~ unknown

oldfarmhouse: “This is Spring🍂🌺🌿 ”

“There is no such thing as too many deviled eggs.”  ~ Jan Karon

And there were chickens . . .

oldfarmhouse: “ ”

and so, so many eggs.  But they were wonderful.  To enjoy an omelet from just gathered eggs is a perfect way to begin a day.  


“Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the Earth are never alone or weary of life.” ~ Rachel Carson

What a joy it was to have and watch the Eastern Bluebirds as they bounced through the air.

My husband could most likely build bluebird nesting boxes in his sleep.  We had them all over our property.  Oh, how we delighted in watching them raise their young and see the babies fly away.

It was always sad to hear the geese telling us goodbye as they left for their northern home in the spring.  They seemed to always choose a pretty day to travel. Still, I would say a little prayer for them to have a safe journey.

Truly . . .” Nature’s beauty is a gift that cultivates appreciation and gratitude.” ~ Louie Schwartzberg


“We people who are attracted by the countryside cherish fond memories of certain springs, certain woods, certain ponds, certain hills, which have become familiar sights and can touch our hearts like happy events.  Sometimes indeed the memory goes back towards a forest glade, or a spot on a river bank or an orchard in blossom glimpsed only once on a happy day but preserved in our heart.” ~ Guy de Maupassant

In the spring a morning walk down our 450-foot lane to the mailbox was a marvelous time for sights, smells, and beauty.  It was a simple, but glorious pleasure.

imlostinadream: “Butterfly ”

Thanks to my husband, there were early blooming daffodils which lined both sides of the lane.  That in itself was a sight to behold.  

Oh, it was sheer bliss to cut their happy blooms until my heart was content.  Every room in our home smiled.

“A house is not a home until there is a story attached to it.” ~  Tom Stringer

I could write endlessly about stories attached to our home and the treasured memories forever preserved in my heart.  During our twenty-three years, there were many special celebrations, holidays, and also the beauty of joy in ordinary pleasures.  Even though we will always miss Crabapple, we know we were blessed beyond measure to have had such a wonderful life on our piece of paradise. 

But, what I treasure most from our years is the beautiful gift I received.  That gift is perfectly conveyed by the words of John O’Donohue. I learned to “take time to celebrate quiet miracles that seek no attention” and to “experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder.”  I wish I could begin to tell you how this has enriched my life.

Thanks so much for visiting today. 

Wishing you and yours a wonderful week, filled with the little things that make your heart sing.


Au Revoir,



Images: Via Tumblr




































Sunday Thoughts, February 10, 2019

“Next time a sunrise steals your breath or … 

Image result for photos of sunrise at dolly sods, wv (Sunrise at Bear Rocks. Dolly Sods Wilderness Area ~ Dry Fork, WV)


or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. …

lifeisverybeautiful: “ Sunrise… by AdamMajchrzak ”(Lavender field ~ Provence, France)


Say nothing and listen as Heaven whispers, ‘Do you like it? I did it just for you.” ~ Max Lucado



Dear friends, I wish you and yours a most beautiful day and week ahead.

May you see pieces of heaven all along your path and hear the ‘whispers.’


Au Revoir,


Special Note:  The Dolly Sods Wilderness Area, is comprised of 17,371 acres located in the Monongahela National Forest and is part of the National Wilderness Preservation System. It is located in Grant, Randolph and Tucker Counties, West Virginia.  It is truly a piece of heaven and, hopefully, will always remain away from the hands of man.

Images: via tumblr and pinterest















Sunday Thoughts, February 3, 2019

“When day is done and I reach my gate, I come to a realm where there is no hate.  For here, whatever my worth may be, are those who cling to their faith in me.  And with love on guard at my humble door, I have all that the world has struggled for.” ~ Edgar Guest (1881-1959)

 “Home is where you hear love within the stillness.” ~ Raquel Franco

Dear friends, wishing you and yours a most beautiful day. 

May your week ahead be filled with kind souls, lovely thoughts and many sweet surprises.

And, may “love always be on guard at your door.”

Au Revoir,


Image: via tumblr












What “Wakes Up Your Heart?”

“If you love beauty, it’s because beauty lives within you. If you love art, it’s because you are creative. If it wakes up your heart, a receptor for it already exists within you. Your soul is drawn to the things that will help you unfold your most glorious expression. Give in. ” ~ Cynthia Occelli


Good morning, dear friends.  It is wonderful to see you again.  I do hope you will enjoy your visit and perhaps receive a wee nudge of inspiration to pay extra attention to the beauty in your corner of the world.  Susan Branch tells us ~ “Hearts can inspire other hearts with their fire.”  It is amazing just how far that little ripple can travel.  But mostly, I hope your visit will leave you with a happy heart.  You know,  like the feeling you have when you have just visited with a dear friend.   

Make yourself warm and comfy, with your coffee or tea in hand. I have prepared a collection of some lovely things, found along my path, in the pursuit of beauty.  They “wake up my heart,” ~ I hope they will yours as well.

thevisualvamp: “Have a seat ”

I am totally amazed by the talent within the human soul which created such an exquisite design and the skilled hands which brought this design to life.  The beautiful chair and the shade of blue certainly ‘wakes up my heart.’

Beauty adds so much to our daily rounds.  It need not be expensive or lavish.  It is all about what we deem beautiful and love.  

“It is the soft nature of the things in which we surround ourselves that dull the sharp edges of life.” ~ Christine Fleming

“Surround yourself with things that you love, and you will always have inspiration in your life.” ~ Amellia Cooke

“In every man’s heart, there is a secret nerve that answers to the vibrations of beauty.” ~ Christopher Morley

Can you imagine being in an antique shop, discovering a once cherished locket, wrapped beautifully in a piece of lace, and to further discover it was bearing the inscription . . . toujours m’aime (always love me)?   Oh my, I would certainly have “vibrations of beauty.”

The beauty of our talents is shown in the things we create, treasures for ourselves and those we love.  In the photo below, the beauty is not only in the stitching, but it is also in the love and hours which go into bringing such a lovely piece to life.  I am always immediately drawn to exquisite hand work.

“Creating beauty. For those blessed with this driving force, it needs no further explanation.” ~ unknown

“I want to surround myself with beauty.” ~ Gabriela Mistral

Would any human ever grow tired of such magnificent beauty?  This rose would be a star in any garden.  I wish I could tell you her name, but she was not identified.

 Image may contain: plant, flower, nature and outdoor

“Pay attention to the things that bring a tear to your eye or put a lump in your throat, because they are signs that the holy is drawing near.” ~ Frederick Buechner

“When I took the time to look into the heart of a flower, it opened up a whole new world ~a world where every country walk would be an adventure, where every garden would become an enchanted one, where one could never be lonely, bored, or indifferent.  It was as if a window had been opened to let in the sun.  My eyes were waking up … seeing the unbelievable beauty of nature…” Princess Grace of Monaco and Gwen Robyns, My Book of Flowers

“I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers.” ~  Claude Monet

“White is not a mere absence of color; it is a shining and affirmative thing, as fierce as red, as definite as black. God paints in many colors; but He never paints so gorgeously, as when He paints in white. ” ~ G.K. Chesterton

peonyandbee: “Spring daffodil after snow 3 by Jim_Higham on Flickr. ”

“Beauty gives us hope.” ~ unknown


Thank you so much for visiting.  Two years ago today, I opened the doors of Maison de Jardin.  The following are a few of my thoughts from the first post.

“Personally, I believe the love of beauty lies within each of us.  I believe it is truly in our hearts ~ even if we do not know or recognize it.  Often, a moment of grace opens our eyes to beauty.   Beauty is everywhere, in everything, and in everyone.  It inspires us, moves us forward, enhances our homes and therefore makes life sweeter for ourselves and those we love.  It holds power.  And, by being open to and aware of beauty, we can change our world.  Because beauty and grace make us kinder people.”

Know, dear friends, I am grateful for each of you who follow along and for your kind and inspiring comments.    

Wishing you a most beautiful day.

And . . .

“May you always find three welcomes;

In a garden during summer, at a fireside during winter, and ~ whatever the day or season, in the kind eyes of a friend.” ~ Gaelic Prayer


Au Revoir,



Images: via tumblr




































































































































‘Sunday Thoughts,’ January 27, 2019

“Nature is full of genius, full of the divinity…” ~ Henry David Thoreau


“Go outside…amidst the simple beauty of nature…and know that as long as places like this exist, there will be comfort for every sorrow, whatever the circumstances may be.” ~ Anne Frank

Dear friends,

Wishing you and yours a beautiful and peaceful day. 

During the week ahead, may your path be lined with beauty, love, and kind souls.

And, until we meet again, may the angels guard you.

Au Revoir,




Image: via tumblr

An Annoying Glitch!

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” ~ Einstein

Good morning, sweet friends. 

Yesterday morning, January 24, 2019, I turned on the computer and what did I see ~ my ‘Sunday Thoughts’ had been posted.  Now, that wasn’t scheduled to happen until Sunday, January 27.  And, to make matters worse, the post was not finished.  I do apologize, for I am not sure what happened.  However, it appears Mr. Einstein is correct, “I can’t explain it simply. . . .” 

hidinginthehinterlands: “@spiritofthewoods Some color to add to your usual green. :) ”

So, I hope these sweet smiling faces will brighten your day, and may everything good and wonderful come your way.  I’ll be seeing you soon! 

Au Revoir,



Image: viatumblr

Sunday Thoughts, January 20, 2019

“Never  lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful,  for beauty is God’s handwriting.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson



Wishing you and yours a most beautiful day.


“May you have heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and angels all around you.” ~ Unknown


Au Revoir,



Image: viatumblr