Open Your Eyes !

“Beauty…is the blossom of goodness:  as it grows out of goodness, so it leads those who love it to the good.”   – Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499)

When I began writing this blog, my intention was and continues to be, to inspire others to see the beauty in our world. Yes, amid all the hate and ugly, beauty remains. But, to see beauty in our daily rounds, we must consciously  open our eyes. Short and simple, we must be aware to notice moments of Grace. Such moments can alter our thinking, and change the course of our days. Ultimately this practice can, therefore, be life changing.

For example:  Noticing exquisite sights in nature such as this magnificent Golden Rain Tree (photo above), a glorious sunset, new fallen snow or a beautiful moon. All are God’s handiwork – ours to enjoy.  We simply have to open our eyes to truly see such splelndid moments. 

Paul Cézanne (1839-1906) tells us, “The day is coming when a single carrot, freshly observed, will set off a revolution.”  Perhaps, that day has come.  Our daily lives can be so chaotic.  Especially when our “daily to do list” should be the “weekly to do list.” Additionally, we constantly hear and see all which is sad and unkind.  We are fed this information daily via newspapers, television and social media. Combine all such craziness and it is easy to become numb, but we must not let that happen. Because,when we are numb – we do not see. You may or may not agree, but I believe people crave beauty. It is vital to our well being.

Beauty has a way of making us pause and take a breath. It makes us smile, gives us pleasant thoughts, makes us want to share our good news with others and immensely enriches our days. It makes us kinder and more gentle. This is why what we create in our homes is so important, for ourselves and those we love. 

Truly, I am not suggesting we purchase rose colored glasses. Quite the opposite. I believe it is of the utmost importance for each and everyone to know what is happening in and around our world.  However, at some point, we must turn off and tune in. Tune in to the beauty of what we see and hear. Our tastes are cultivated by what we see. Therefore, we must learn to see well.  When we master the art of seeing well, we enlarge our capacity to become emotionally and intellectually involved in all that surrounds us. Thus, our lives are forever changed. Changed for the good.

So, let’s think for just a moment.  Maybe a revolution isn’t out of the question. Imagine our world if joy and beauty were scattered about like fairy dust. Wouldn’t this make a remarkable difference in the attitudes and behavior of people who inhabit our world? Sure it would, and it is possible. It begins within each of us. Each of us has the ability and the means to do something. Share your good news, call an elderly neighbor, gaze upon a perfect blue sky, fix a lovely dinner for your family, write a “real” letter, help someone load groceries in their car, tell a friend you love them, take food to the local animal shelter, or share those irises a neighbor has long admired.  Inspired? I do hope so.  Because with open eyes, you will enrich your life and the lives of others.   

Thanks for visiting.  Wishing you and yours beautiful summer days!


Au Revoir,




Photos:  Roadtrippers/Pinterest

8 thoughts on “Open Your Eyes !

  1. Sandra, this is such a wonderful and thought provoking post. Beauty is all around us, and we are blessed that it is. To live in a world without beauty is soul deadening, I agree. Living life beautifully, as much as possible, and looking for beauty in every day, is a worthy endeavor. It’s what I firmly believe in, and encourage others to do. Thank you!

  2. Your photo is quite lovely… and what a glorious Golden Rain Tree. We don’t have such trees in our area; it would be something awe-inspiring to see in person. Is it fragrant?

    Another special post, Sandra!


    1. Brenda: A Golden Rain Tree is a magnificent sight to behold. It’s beautiful golden blooms twirl in the sunlight. Such a beauty, not fragrant though.

  3. Sandra, I love this post and I certainly agree with your thoughts. Sometimes, I am too busy to. Optics the beauty that surrounds me in God’s amazing creation! Thank you for your beautiful thoughts!

    1. Penny: Thanks for visiting. You inspire all of is to “Enjoy the Simple Things.”

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