“Wisdom has its root in goodness.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Good Sunday morning beautiful souls. I do hope this finds you well and under blue skies this morning.
Today, I want to share some thoughts about wisdom. Wisdom is something I feel we all seek, at least I do. Especially, when I offer assistance to someone in need or when I am making a decision for my own life. I always pray for wisdom to say or do the right thing. Perhaps, that is what C.S. Lewis meant when he referred to “…patches of God light in the woods of experience.” I believe he knew we are all walking through “the woods of experience.” And, when I know I have done or said something correctly in a matter of importance, it is a “patch of God light” for me. Truly, Divine wisdom bestowed upon me.
Some time ago, a dear friend introduced me to the writings of a wonderful man, Steven Charleston. You may or may not be familiar with him, so I will share some information about him and his life.
Steven Charleston was born and raised in Oklahoma. He is a citizen of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, a Native American elder, and retired Episcopal Bishop of Alaska. Additionally, he received his BA from Trinity College, his M.Div. from Episcopal Divinity School, and DDs from Alaska Pacific University and Trinity College. He has served as Executive Director of the National Committee on Indian Work at the Episcopal Church Center; Director of the Dakota Leadership program, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology and Creator, and Director of Cross-Cultural Studies at Luther-Northwestern Theological Seminary; and Chaplain, Trinity College. He also served as President of Episcopal Divinity School, as well as a professor of Theology.
This man is not only well educated, but he is also so inspiring with great wisdom. And, his writings always hold both. Therefore, I thought I would share one of his recent posts from Facebook (see my note at the end of this post). It certainly speaks to our times and I do believe will provide a few moments of thought.
“We are in a time of awakening. … We are waking up. It is not easy, but we are waking up. We are becoming alert to the fault lines that have made our culture more fragile than we imagined. We are seeing the injustice, the inequality, and the pain. We are waking up to the result of past mistakes come back to confront us with climate change. We are living between flood and fire. Now we are engaged in a great process of political change. We are opening our eyes to the end of chaos and the beginning of renewal. Even if we are not sure where we will go next, we are spiritually more aware than we have been in a very long time. The awakening has begun.” ~ Steven Charleston
Dear friends, thank you for your visit.
Have a beautiful and peaceful day.
And, a lovely week ahead. Stay well.

“Wisdom teaches: the fruits of silence; the blessings of health; the rewards of self-discipline; the satisfaction of achievement; the responsibility of power; the beauty of nature; the miracle of love; the meaning of friendship; the privilege of prayer; the power of faith; the joy of sharing; the treasure of integrity.” ~ William Arthur Ward
Note: Steven Charleston posts a daily meditation on his Facebook page.
Images: via tumblr
What a beautiful post!
Have a blessed Sunday! Hugs,dear Sandra!
Thank you, Maristella. Have a beautiful day, sweet friend.❤
Wisdom is something I pray about, too, for my family members and for those who lead us in government. If we are indeed “waking up” I hope that wisdom prevails. Steven Charleston sounds like a wise man.
I so agree with you, Lorrie. Wisdom is needed now more than ever.
Wishing you a lovely day.
I sure hope it is the end of chaos and beginning of renewal. Thanks for the reference of Steven Charleston. I will look him up. We could all use more wisdom, especially now. Happy Fall, Sandra.
Rita, I agree with you and I pray Steven Charleston’s words will be the truth for us all.
Wishing you a beautiful day, it is glorious here.
I would love to be walking down the road in your first picture. So beautiful!
Lovely quotes and images as always.
Thank you, Bonnie. Have a lovely day.
He words do speak to today. Have a great week!
Yes, they do, Penny. You have a great day and week also.
That first image draws me in. Wisdom is so needed not just now, but always. Thank you for sharing Steven Charleston. I will check him out on Facebook. Wishing you and Michael a lovely Sunday. It was in the fifties here this morning!
You are right, Pam. Wisdom is needed each in every day and in all ways. But, oh, now more than ever. Wishing you a wonderful day – we were in the low 40s this morning.
I’m not sure you could have a more timely post for these challenging days. I love the thought of an awakening and I think he is right. We have finally begun to realize that things we have “put up with” must be dealt with as benign passivity will lead only to more significant problems. There is much food for thought here — thank you.
Thank you, Jeanie. I pray for wisdom for all of us in all ways. But in these upcoming days, more than ever. Have a wonderful week.
Sandra, that first picture is gorgeous. It looks like such a beautiful place to spend an autumn day. I’ve lived in Oklahoma my whole life, but I’ve never heard of Steven Charleston. I’ll have to check his writings out. Take care and have a wonderful week, sweet friend!
Good morning, Shannon. Steven Charleston is an amazing soul. I am not certain where in Oklahoma he has lived, I think he now resides in Alaska. However, he writes a lovely post each day on FB.
Wishing you a beautiful week.
A blessing for me! Thank you for your beautiful words.
Good morning, Linda. I am happy you enjoyed the post. And, I hope you will continue to visit.
Have a wonderful week.
Sandra, I love this post. Wisdom is something I pray for regularly, not just for me, my family and friends, but also for our leaders. I do hope that we as a society are “waking up.” Thank you for introducing us to Steven Charleston. I will look him up. We could all use more wisdom!! Happy Fall, Sandra.
Dear Lidy, first let me say, it is so good to see you. I believe you will enjoy the writings of Steven Charleston, he is a wise man. I pray each day our nation will “wake up.” We must do our best to make our country and the world a better place for those who follow us.
Lidy, my heart goes out to all those in your state who have suffered and are dealing with the fires. Stay safe and have a lovely week.
Querida amiga, qué belleza !! que maravilla de mensajes que nos regalas en este día y en todos estos días que cada uno que pasa nos deja una sorpresa a veces no muy agradable. En estos momentos mundiales de tanta inseguridad por este virus que nos machaca es muy necesario poder leer las palabras de seres tan sabios como los que nos muestras. No conocía a Steve Charleston pero tu reseña de sus palabras y pensamientos me parecen altamente necesarias y aún más en estos momentos de tanta confusión y, por qué no decirlo, de tanta incredulidad e indiferencia hacia las creencias religiosas.
Gracias amiga, un gran abrazo
Dear friend, what a beauty !! What a marvel of messages that you give us on this day and in all these days that each one that passes leaves us a sometimes not very pleasant surprise. In these world moments of so much insecurity due to this virus that crushes us, it is very necessary to be able to read the words of beings as wise as the ones you show us. I did not know Steve Charleston but your review of her words and thoughts seems highly necessary to me and even more so in these moments of so much confusion and, why not say it, of so much disbelief and indifference towards religious beliefs.
Thank you friend, a big hug
Dearest Dolores, Thank you for your kind and truthful words. I agree it is important to read words of wise souls. It helps move us forward in such distressing times.
Wishing you a beautiful day and week. Many blessings, sweet friend.❤