“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.” ~ John Lubbock
Good Sunday morning, dear friends. Perhaps, you may have wondered what happened to me last week. Well, the week was quite a blur, filled with life happenings. Writing a post was not at the top of my list. And, I certainly did not want to post something that was not from my heart and, therefore, might not touch yours. That said, I have decided to take a wee break from blog land. A little time to simply ‘be.’ To watch the flowers unfold, and enjoy the sweetness and beauty of nature. Something I feel we all need from time to time.
Additionally, in my resting time, I need to give some thought to a few changes I would like to make to the blog and some things I might want to do differently. Always with the goal of keeping the blog reader worthy.
Know I will miss you and your lovely comments, and I hope you will miss me, too. I will continue to read your blogs, as I enjoy them so much and they are always a bright spot in my day. Do enjoy these remaining lovely spring days, days we have long waited for and the summer ones which are ahead. Always take a moment to notice the beauty that surrounds you and the moments “. . .when you realize the simple things are wonderful enough.” See you soon!
“How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then to rest afterward. ~ Spanish Proverb
Photos: Via Tumblr, quote in the last paragraph, Jill Badonskyxs
I sure do understand wanting and needing a break, Sandra. You will be missed, certainly, but will be welcomed back enthusiastically. Enjoy your rest.
Hello, Rita. Thank you for your understanding and kind thoughts. I plan to enjoy my rest – wishing you a beautiful summer, my friend.
So beautifully put. We all need to rest and simply to’ be.’ This has been a hard year emotionally. I applaud you for taking a break.
Hello, Bonnie and I thank you so much for your understanding. Enjoy these beautiful days ahead and be good to you!
Yes, a rest is needed for all of us. Simply “to be” does our heart and souls good. I will miss you and will look forward to your return! Love and hugs, my friend ♥️
Ah, dear Pam. You, my treasured friend, are a gem. I thank you so much for your kind words. Wishing you and those sweet girls and little brother many happy summer days in Sunshine Cottage. I plan to see you all soon! Love to you and your beautiful family, dear one.❤
Enjoy your blog break. I will look forward to your return. xo
Thanks so much, Penny. Enjoy your summer days!
Mi querida amiga Sandra!!! leo tu mensaje y pienso…Bien, unos volvemos de un periodo conflictivo y Sandra hace una pausa en su blog…
Mi querida amiga, me parece perfecto que hagas un descanso en tu blog para volver renovada y llena de ideas (superbuenas) .
Siempre son deliciosos tus escritos y los tengo todos guardados así que cuando necesite leerte podré hacerlo porque tus letras son muy buenas y muy especiales.
Estoy de vuelta, tengo más tiempo porque ya no tengo que ir todos los días a Madrid al fisioterapeuta. Hemos hecho un descanso porque estaba agotada. No estoy bien del todo pero me puedo manejar sola en casa y disfrutar de poder contactar con mis queridos amigos.
Sandra querida, nunca te podré olvidar porque olvidarte es muy dificil ya que en tus letras nos muestras el alma…
Un gran abrazo y espero que tu vuelta sea una buena renovación.
Con amor
P.D. en breve publicaré en mi blog
I did wonder about that, Sandra, and was hoping it was something fun like a vacation or holiday or at least nothing awful. Of course you will be missed but that will make your return all the sweeter! Have a productive, good rest.
Good morning, dear Jeanie. Thank you so much for your kind words. I have much to ponder during my rest, all of which I hope will have good results.
I am looking forward to your ‘Tales from the Lake.’ I know you must be anxious to visit your home away from home as well. Happy summer, Jeanie!
To savor life’s moments is vital to our well-being. So, enjoy every moment, but know that while you are taking a respite you are still being thought about and missed, sweet friend. I know that you will have lovely stories to tell upon your return and I so look forward to reading them. Hugs!
Hello, Bobbi. Thank you so much for your kind words. I am enjoying the garden and slowly making a bit of progress with my stacks of books. Happy days to you, sweet friend.
Breaks are needed from time to time, and often one returns refreshed with new creativity. I pray you will find deep rest and restoration in your time away from blogging. And I look forward to your return.
Thank you so much, Lorrie. I am enjoying reading your blog and being a bit lazy.
Oh Sandra, We all need those rest times, those breaks from routines, those times to gather in and refill the well, as Julia Cameron used to say. I hope your time away will be rejuvenating in every way as you take time to ‘be’. Of course we will miss you here, but do take as long as you need. Enjoy your time away. (((❤️))) ?
Thank you so much, Brenda. I am enjoying the garden and making a bit of progress with my stack of books. And, am enjoying your blog and others with more time. Enjoy your summer days, when it arrives it in your area.