“A mother’s love how sweet the name! What is a mother’s love? A noble, pure, and tender flame extended from above.” ~ James Montgomery
Good Sunday morning, dear friends. I hope this finds everyone well and enjoying this wonderful time of year. Today, a most special day, of honoring and showering our mothers with love and gratitude. Letting them know how dear and special they are. To stop for a moment and reflect on all they have given us, sacrificed for us, and their monumental efforts to make our lives better and richer. And most of all, to be grateful for their love and the path/paths they have helped us walk.
“A mother’s arms are more comforting than anyone else’s.” ~ Princess Diana
Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church, Grafton, West Virginia.
This lovely church, built in 1873, was the location of the first mother’s day service held in 1908. It was established as the International Mother’s Day Shrine in 1962 and designated as a National Historic Landmark in 1992.
Carnations are the flower symbolizing mother’s day. During the first mother’s day service, in 1908, Ms. Jarvis handed out hundreds of white carnations to those in attendance. The carnation was her mother’s favorite flower. White carnations are traditional flowers to give or wear in remembrance of a mother who is no longer living. With pink representing gratitude and love and red signifying admiration and adoration.
Dear friends, know I wish all of you who are mothers, or those who have been or are currently mothering others, a happy and beautiful day.
And . . .
May God bless you and guide you in all that you do.
“A mother’s love endures through all.” ~ Washington Irving
Images: “Times West Virginian” and Pinterest
I’m scooting in a day early here. I hope you have a lovely Mother’s Day, Sandra. It’s so lovely to honour our moms. Your post is a beautiful tribute.
I am so grateful for my own mother — I won’t be able to visit her tomorrow, but we’ve been in touch. I had the happy pleasure of making her a photo album of her Peace Rose which, you may recall, now lives at our house. She was delighted to have photos of the beautiful rose she received for her 80th birthday six years ago now.
Wishing you a pleasant week ahead.
Brenda xo
Ah, Brenda, I know your mom dearly loved her photo album. What a treasure it will be to her. I remember my mom’s 80th birthday. I traveled from VA to WV to be with her. I got in a snowstorm and it took me 16 hours to get home. But it was worth every minute on the road to be with her and bake her a 4 layer coconut cake, her favorite. Wishing you a beautiful day and week ahead also.
A beautiful tribute to mothers. I enjoyed the history.I did not know about carnations being associated with Mother’s Day.
I want to do a post on my mother but I get very emotional and even after 38 years it is hard. So I quit.
But I have just decided I must do it.
Good morning, Bonnie. I do understand how it still difficult for you with regard to your Mom. I think it is something we never get over and maybe we are not supposed to. I am certain your post about your mom will be beautiful. I hope your Mother’s Day was wonderful. Wishing you a lovely week, Bonnie
Sandra, thank you for a beautiful post. I can remember as a child that mothers wore corsages to church on Mother’s Day. I was unaware about carnations and their Mother’s Day significance. I know you had a lovely mother and that you miss her. Wishing you a sweet day with Michael!
Good morning, Pam. You and I were both blessed with precious and dear mothers. That is why we miss them so much. As I said to Bonnie, “I don’t think we ever get over it.
Wishing you a beautiful and Happy Mother’s Day, full of love and joy. Many blessings, dear friend.
Have a lovely Mother’s Day Sandra.
Thank you, Penny. Wishing you the same!
Happy Mother’s Day, Sandra. I’m so glad you shared another piece of our wonderful WV history of this day’s beginnings! So many people do not realize it.
Good morning, Rita, and a Happy Mother’s Day to you. Yes, there is much about our lovely state and its people that many do not realize. When I was growing up our church youth group always visited the church in Grafton shortly before Mother’s Day. As Grafton is only about 20 miles from Clarksburg. It is a lovely church with beautiful stained glass windows.
Sandra, such a beautiful Mother’s Day post. Thanks for sharing the history of this special day. I learned something,. I never knew about the white carnations. I know you loved your mother very much and that you must miss her very much. My dear friend, I wish you a happy and blessed week ahead.
Good morning, Shannon. I hope you had a beautiful Mother’s Day, and that your family showered you with love. Wishing you a lovely week full of joy and love, sweet friend.
A beautiful post honouring mothers, Sandra. I spoke to mine on the phone, sent a card, and my sister chose a basket of flowers as a gift from me. I hope to see her soon – it’s been a long time! I remember getting a carnation at church many years ago – the colour depended on whether your mother was alive or not. That went on for many years.
Good morning, Lorrie. I know you will be happy to see your mom again. COVID has kept us from so many important times. I hope your day was lovely and that your week ahead will be as well.
This is such a lovely post, Sandra — and I learned things I never knew! To the mothers, everywhere — past, present and yet to be!
Thank you, Jeanie. Wishing you a beautiful week!