“Autumn lights one more fire in the maples.” ~ Julia Alvarez
Good Sunday morning, dear friends. I do hope this finds you well and enjoying the beginning of this glorious month. The cooler days, crisper air, and not to mention the beauty, are such glorious gifts. Yes, glorious gifts, especially during chaotic times such as we once again witnessed this past week. Truly, it is as Joseph Campbell says, “Awe is what moves us forward.”
That said, please know I thank you, more than you can imagine, for your visit. And, I do hope you will find a few things today that will give you an “Awe” moment.
“My favorite color is October.” ~ Author unknown
“Ah! the spring days, the summer dawns, and October woods!” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
“October had tremendous possibility… the golden leaves promised a world full of beautiful adventures. They made me believe in miracles.” ~ Sarah Guillory
This beautiful Ginkgo tree, with its branches hanging over the water, is my favorite specie of tree. Not only because it is a gorgeous tree, especially in autumn, but because it is a hardy tree with quite a story. “The tree is native to China and has been grown for thousands of years. Because it’s the only surviving member of an ancient order of plants, it’s sometimes referred to as a living fossil and is the only living species in the division Ginkgophyta, all others being extinct. It is found in fossils dating back 270 million years.” Truly, an extraordinary tree, with a survival history that is a ‘miracle.’
“A tangerine and russet cascade of kaleidoscopic leaves, creates a tapestry of autumn magic…” ~ Judith A. Lindberg
Early walks abound with sweet surprises. It is a treat to spot a red squirrel busy preparing for winter days. In West Virginia, they are usually found only in our heavily forested areas. However, gray squirrels are found in towns and the countryside, usually robbing bird feeders.
And to come upon deer, who wish I would have taken a different route. Their look says, “You are not welcome.” So, I promise them I won’t stay long.
“Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the number of apples in a seed.” ~ Robert H. Schuller
And returning home I find an anonymous gift (the best kind) from a sweet soul, a basket of apples to be enjoyed. A lovely unexpected blessing.
” Even if something is left undone, everyone must take time to sit still and watch the leaves turn.” ~ Elizabeth Lawrence
Dear friends, I pray October will be good for all of us. It is such a magnificent month, full of marvelous weather and a feast of beauty at every turn. So, please be sure to “take time to sit still and watch the leaves turn.”
Know I wish you and yours a beautiful day.
May October bring you many sweet surprises. Stay well!

Oh, Sandra, what stunning images of my favorite time of year! Ginkgo trees are my joy as well w/ their flamboyant yellow color and lovely shaped leaves. Across the road from Longwood Gardens, just a half-mile from our home, stands a long row of them that I so look forward to driving past every fall….just beautiful! I invite you to come visit my Pinterest boards (at Bobbid25) titled Autumn ! & Autumn !! that I think you may enjoy. It is obvious, by the number of images I have on those boards, just how much I love fall lol! Hope you have a beautiful fall day in your pretty part of the world. Hugs!
Dear Bobbie, I knew we were kindred souls. How wonderful the row of Ginkgo’s must be. I can picture it in my mind. I will definitely visit your Pinterest boards, I know they are outstanding. It is beginning to be beautiful in my beloved West Virginia. She always puts on her show in Autumn.
Wishing you a glorious day and week ahead. ?
Magnificent October is right. The images in this post are spectacular. I did find many awe moments.
Thank you for curating such lovely images for us to enjoy. Wishing you a lovely week.
Many thanks, Bonnie. I am happy you found ‘awe moments.’ They are so important. Have a beautiful day and week ahead, my friend.
Such beautiful pictures! The one thing I will miss about NC is the fall. But we plan on traveling to the mountains in the fall every year.
Thank you, Penny. I hope you will enjoy your new home. It will be great for you to be close to your sisters. Have a lovely week.
Beautiful! Love the red squirrel sighting! I’ve seen a couple of black squirrels on the capitol lawn too, and had only seen those before in Niagara Falls. The boulevard is lined with gingko trees that are spectacular in October. When their leave all drop, it looks like a blanket on the ground!
Rita, I have never seen a black squirrel. I imagine he/she was pretty. I know it is a beautiful sight to see the Gingko. And you are correct, their leaves do look like “a blanket.” They are also heavy like one when you rake them. But they do take your breath away. Have a great week, Rita.
Sandra, this is my most favorite month! You have shared so many beautiful photographs this morning, and I enjoyed going along with you on your walk. Both the deer and the squirrels have been in my bird feeders lately. We were battling raccoons doing the same. I haven’t seen those little critters on my outdoor game camera in a few weeks. One night they tried to get seed from an empty feeder, and got mad and slapped the feeder because it was empty. It was quite funny to watch. Hopefully, they decided to go somewhere else. I truly enjoyed my visit to your blog with such lovely words and pretty pictures. Take care, sweet friend! Happy October!
Good morning, Shannon. I so happy you enjoy your walk with me. That is so funny about the raccoons. I have heard they can be quite determined little creatures. I know they can be annoying, but I think they are so cute.
October is a favorite time for me and I know your part of the world must be lovely. Enjoy, stay well, and have a beautiful week, my friend. ?
This post has brought joy to my heart. The photo of the Gingko tree reminds me of a precious friend, who has a spectacular tree in her yard. A visit to her home in the autumn is a special treat. Thank you for sharing the blessings of nature.
Dear Linda, Gingko’s are special to me as my mom dearly loved them. When we built our home in VA. she brought us one that was just a little sapling. Thirty-two years later when we sold our home and returned to WV, it was past the second story. I hope you will be able to visit your dear friend and her magnificent tree. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment and for your kindness. It means more than you can imagine.?
Such a lovely post, Sandra. I especially loved seeing that enterprising squirrel with his mouthful of walnut, but every photo and every quote you selected adds up to a melody of sweet autumn song. Thank you, thank you!
Many thanks, Brenda. I hope you are enjoying a beautiful autumn. It is really pretty in our world. Have a lovely week.
Wonderful post!Fabulous pictures!!! I wish you a happy and blessed October!Such beauty…
Maristella, thank you so much. Wishing you a beautiful week and month of October, my friend.
Glorious October…my favorite month! The images are stunning, the oranges, the golds, reds that all take my breath away. I have two ginkgo trees and I anxiously await their gorgeous gold color as the leaves cover the grass! Thank you for the quotes and sentiments, Sandra! Wishing you a lovely October week!
Dear Pam, thank you for your kind words. And, do enjoy your ginkgo’s for me. I left a magnificent one that I raised from a sapling at our VA. home. It was a beauty. Enjoy these glorious days and if my memory serves me correctly I believe this is also your birth month. It is mine also.
Happy October, dear friend.?
What a glorious selection of images and quotes. And I love that someone brought you apples. Big smiles! Seeing this wonderful world of nature on your walks is a real treat and I love that you are sharing it with us so we can savor it too.
Thank you, Jeanie. I know you are seeing fall in all of her glory in your neighborhood. Have a beautiful weekend, my friend.