“ Anyone who takes the time to be kind is beautiful. ” ~ Richelle E. Goodrich
Good Sunday morning, sweet friends. Wherever you may be, I do hope this finds you wrapped in summer beauty.
Today finds me thinking about kindness. The sprinkling of little things can truly elevate our lives and enhance the quality of our days. Such as a little package my husband and I received this past week from our dear friend, Janice. I had the good fortune of meeting and working with Janice many years ago, probably around 1978. Janice quickly became a wonderful friend to both of us. She is great fun and has a fabulous sense of humor. For instance, when I turned forty, she placed a banner on the front of my car which read, “Honk, I’m 40.” Not until I arrived home did I understand why all the cars were blowing their horns.
After all these years, Janice is still up to her mischief, good mischief. She is ‘the one’ who would knock on your door with a bundle of wildflowers she had picked just for you. Or send a package with kitchen towels which read, “Live life in full bloom and Let’s Flamingle” (Mike loves pink flamingos). The list of Janice’s “thinking of you” goes on. But, have you ever noticed it is the people who have endured great loss and sadness who think of others? On days when it is probably difficult for them to put one foot in front of the other, they think of you. Janice does. We are not only blessed to call her our friend but she is such a total package of inspiration. Indeed, folks like Janice inspire us to be better people. Her actions “speak volumes to what’s in her heart.”
“Sometimes ~
Our voice is hard to find…
We stumble over our tongues
trying to put together the words
that reflect our thoughts…
And Sometimes ~
There are simply no words beautiful enough.
But actions ~
They become the voice,
the words that may never reach the lips,
yet speak volumes to what’s in the heart.” ~ Neva Boone
“Set a high value on spontaneous kindness.” ~ Samuel Johnson

Wishing you and yours a beautiful day.
May you be blessed with unexpected acts of kindness and bless others in return.
Images: via tumblr
Ohhhhh, this post is just so lovely. Every quotation you shared on kindness speaks volumes. Your friend Janice sounds to be a lovely person; she gives us a true role model of what kindness looks like in working clothes. Beautiful!
We so need kindness everywhere in our world today. I think of something John O’Donohue said in his book Beauty … that grace is the permanent climate of divine kindness and in a climate of kindness the sore landscapes of the human heart can heal and become fertile again.
Thank you, Sandra. I needs must go and write the lovely sayings you’ve shared today into my own journal as I will want to refer to them again and again.
Wishing you a beautiful day,
Brenda xox
Dear Brenda, thank you so much for your kind and lovely words. Yes, Janice is a special person and is so much inspiration to those who know her. I do love the words of John O’Donohue, such truth.
I am happy you enjoyed the post and I always love your lovely comments. You are a special friend.❤
Sandra, as always you start my Sunday with beautiful images and sentiments. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the world was full of Janice’s. She sounds so lovely..spreading kindness, joy, and love wherever she goes. I was going through Panera Bread’s drive thru this past week and when I got to the window, the employee told me my order had been paid for by the car in front of me. That has never happened to me before and it actually brought a tear to my eye. A simple act of kindness made my day! Happy Sunday sweet friend!
Dear Pam, I believe there are many Janice’s in our world. Somehow, they have gotten lost in the shuffle. It is wonderful to experience an act of kindness such as you did at Panera’s. In our world, it does make one step back for a moment – but it is such inspiration for good. Have a beautiful day, dear friend. ❤
But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22. God ranked kindness as very important. Your photos, stories, and quotes are always inspirational.
Thank you, Bonnie. Have a lovely day.
I think we all have our versions of Janice — I’m glad you have her in your life. She sounds like a wonderful person. And you are so right about kindness. I think it is one of the most important attributes one can have. This is truly a meaningful and lovely post.
Thank you so much, Jeanie. Wishing you and yours a lovely week.
What a wonderful post,one of my favorites!So especial…Your friend is a real treasure,a God’s gift!Best wishes and a blessed Sunday,dear Sandra!
Dear Maristella. Thank you and yes, my friend is truly a blessing. Wishing you a beautiful week, my friend.