Sunday Thoughts ~ Autumn Unfolding

“ These extraordinary autumn days! A godlike beauty to the countryside that cannot be described, and very nearly cannot be experienced ~ it is so amazing. One walks or rides along in a veritable daze. Surely there is no season quite like this… ” ~ Joyce Carol Oates

Good Sunday morning, dear friends.  Tomorrow is a special day, the first day of glorious autumn.  Such a dazzling season, isn’t it?  I believe at this time of year, we all anticipate cooler days and the magnificent beauty autumn holds.  So find your coffee or tea and come along for a short stroll through ‘autumn unfolding.’


“Autumn that year painted the countryside in vivid shades of scarlet, saffron, and russet, and the days were clear and crisp under harvest skies.” ~ Sharon Kay Penman

“The oak leaves above were already gilded, autumn coming to the woods like a king in a legend, touching all the trees with brightness.  The rays coming through those leaves were gold on gold.” ~ Sarah Rees Brennan

“Autumn ~ that season of peculiar and inexhaustible influence on the mind of taste and tenderness ~ that season which has drawn from every poet worthy of being read some attempt at description, or some lines of feeling.” ~ Jane Austen

“Autumn evokes different feelings for everyone…As the energy of summer slows down, and frosty winter is getting closer, a beautiful autumn day is truly special.  Cool morning air, grass wet with dew, and those amazing warm golden colors spreading through the trees…” ~ Vicki Chicago~Marsh

“To say it was a beautiful day would not begin to explain it. It was that day when the end of summer intersects perfectly with the start of fall.” ~ Ann Patchet


Dear friends, thanks so much for visiting and I hope you enjoyed the stroll.   

Wishing you and yours a beautiful day.


“May you walk through the world and
know its beauty all the days of your life.”

Apache Blessing





Images: viatumblr




















12 thoughts on “Sunday Thoughts ~ Autumn Unfolding

  1. Sandra, autumn is my favorite season and you have given us beautiful images and quotes to welcome the season of color! Now, if our temperatures would only agree that tomorrow Fall begins. Have a lovely Sunday dear friend!

    1. Many thanks, Pam. The trees are usually beautiful in our area at this time. Not this year. It has been terribly dry and so hot. They are just drying and falling off the trees. We are to have temps in the mid 90s this week. I think this year we will go from summer to winter.

      Dear friend, wishing you and yours a lovely day and week.?

    1. Laura, I think everyone is ready for cooler days. I have only been to Texas once, but I still remember the heat. Happy autumn to you!

  2. What a fabulous post!Such beauty of Fall season…Spring begins here tomorrow,but seasons in my country is a great “mix” and mess…Last days we had 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit – in Winter! Today is a grey and raining day,a delightful day after such hot days…Have a blessed Sunday!

    1. Dear Maristella, I wish you a beautiful spring. Most everyone in our country is welcoming autumn. We have had an extremely hot summer, also very dry. Thank you for your visit. Many blessings, my friend.

    1. Thank you, Jeanie. I hope you are seeing signs of autumn in Mich. We are in the 90s all week here in WV. Unbelievable, I remember frost by this time and a warm jacket. Happy week to you as well!

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