“The sky was clear, the stars hung high overhead, and the moon was just a sliver, rather than a full moon, so that it proved to be significantly dark out. However, the coating of snow upon the ground looked bright in the moonlight.” ~ Danielle Renee Wallace

Good Sunday morning, sweet friends. I hope this finds you well and that January has been kind to you. If you like snow, there seems to be quite a bit of it flying around the country. We had about five inches last night (January 6) and we have bitterly cold temperatures.
As we are deep in winter, I thought you may enjoy the words of Mary Oliver. According to Jean-Paul Sartre, “To read a poem in January is as lovely as to go for a walk in June.” So, please join me for a wee walk.
“Snowy Night,” by Mary Oliver
“Last night, an owl
in the blue dark
an indeterminate number
of carefully shaped sounds into
the world, in which,
a quarter of a mile away, I happened
to be standing.
I couldn’t tell
which one it was ~
the barred or the great-horned
ship of the air ~
it was that distant.
But, anyway, aren’t there moments
that are better than knowing something,
and sweeter?
Snow was falling,
so much like stars
filling the dark trees
that one could easily imagine
its reason for being was nothing more
than prettiness.
I suppose
if this were someone else’s story
they would have insisted on knowing
whatever is knowable ~ would have hurried
over the fields
to name it ~ the owl, I mean.
But it’s mine, this poem of the night,
and I just stood there, listening and holding out
my hands to the soft glitter
falling through the air.
I love this world,
but not for its answers.
And I wish good luck to the owl,
whatever its name ~
and I wish great welcome to the snow,
whatever its severe and comfortless
and beautiful meaning.”
I have loved this poem since I first read it. My favorite line is: “
Snow was falling, so much like stars filling the dark trees that one could easily imagine its reason for being was nothing more than prettiness.”
“I love snow, snow, and all the forms of radiant frost.” ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley
Certainly, I realize not everyone shares my love of snow. Truth be told, I may not enjoy it as much as I do if I had dealt with it all the years I worked outside our home. However, it seldom snows in coastal Virginia, but there are other elements Mother Nature is ready to hand out in full portions that can be more precarious than snow. Such as stress magnified, in never-ending sideways rain and fog.
Although, to me, snow enhances the magnificent beauty that we often miss. Snow seems to decide who will look lovely in white and dresses all accordingly, calling us to pay attention.
“Now there are these veils, shimmering like curtains, The diaphanous satins of a January window” ~ Sylvia Plath
One of the pleasures I enjoy tremendously is being inside, all cozy and warm on a cold snowy morning, and enjoying the garden from the view of our windows. Such a pleasure I never take for granted. The snow looks like diamonds sparkling under a brilliant blue sky.
“I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, “Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.” ~ Lewis Carroll
“Snow provokes responses that reach right back to childhood.” ~ Andy Goldsworthy
“Snow is…a beautiful reminder of life and all its quirks. It makes me pause. Think. Stay still. Even my mind takes the hint. It makes me feel giddy. Like a kid. I bring my hot cocoa to the window and simply sit and reminisce…It brings me back to days of school cancellations and snow igloos and King of the Mountain games in my childhood neighborhood…That for this one moment in time, I’m not an adult with all the headaches that can accompany that responsibility, but instead, I’m still the girl in pigtails with the handmade hat and mittens, just waiting to build her next snowman.” ~ R.B. O’Brien
Dear friends, thank you so much for your visit. I do hope this finds you enjoying snowy days.
Know I wish you and yours a beautiful day, full of love, peace and joy. Stay well!
And may . . .
“. . .this winter be gentle and kind ~ a season of rest from the wheel of the mind.” ~ John Geddes
Images: Tumblr
The snow falling on Thursday evening was beautiful. We awakened to just over 10″ and the bitter cold. Our new home was nice and cozy, though. The snow was very dry, the top layer easy to shovel, and yesterday was a beautiful sunny day. It’s hard to even imagine all that now, as the rain falls and melts it all. Such is winter, very fickle. Enjoy your day, Sandra.
Good morning, Rita. You had more snow than we did. We had about 6″. Your new home has seen many winters, I imagine this current snow is nothing for her. We had another light dusting yesterday (Monday).
Enjoy these winter days and loving up your new home!
I always loved watching snow fall, while sitting inside by the fireplace, or wrapped up under blankets on my covered porch. Beautiful post!
Thank you, Penny. It is a treat to be inside and to enjoy a beautiful snowfall.
Have a great week!
Good morning, Sandra! I so enjoyed the beautiful poem you shared. We have both barred and great horned owls that I love listening to. They tend to carry on quite the conversation in the wee hours of the morning. It always makes my little poodle, Ruby, bark. It’s so funny! I love a pretty snow, and the view out your window is so beautiful. So far, we have only seen a dusting. The Farmers Almanac is predicting a mild winter for our area. I guess we will just have to wait and see. I hope you have a joyous week ahead, sweet friend!
Good morning, Shannon. I am happy you enjoyed the poem. When we lived in VA we had great horned owls. They would sit on our chimney tops and on top of the roof of the barn and chatter back and forth to others who were in the woods. I always enjoyed them. I enjoy the snow and seeing everything under a white blanket. The Farmers Almanac is more often right than wrong, so their prediction for you will most likely hold. Wishing you a lovely week, full of everything you enjoy!
mi querida amiga, llegaron las nieves a tus tierras…Aquí todavía no nos ha llegado. Me gusta la nieve pero el año pasado cayó tanta cantidad de nieve que no se podía salir a la calle ni rodar los coches…Cayó en Madrid capital, fué un horror.
He estado desaparecida toda la Navidad porque estuve en Granada y allí nos reunimos toda la familia. La familia lleva añadida 8 nietos pequeños y no se puede hacer otra cosa que recoger juguetes…gritan y juegan sin poder uno concentrarse, escribir es solo fantasía.
Te mando todos mis deseos de felicidad, y que el año nos depare lo mejor.
Tus post son muy bellos. Te mando un gran abrazo
Dearest Dolores, it is so good to hear from you. I remember you telling me that you would be with your family for Christmas. How wonderful and I know the ‘little ones’ kept everyone busy.
Our beautiful snow didn’t last long, the rain came and washed it all away. I still have the house decorated for Christmas, I so drag my feet about putting it all away.
Wishing you a most Happy and Healthy New Year, sweet friend. Many Blessings.
Good afternoon, Sandra. We didn’t receive any snow last week even though there were several inches in part of our county. I love snow! We see it so seldom that I become giddy with excitement. It is a cold and rainy Sunday in our Appalachian Foothills. Thank you for the lovely images, quotes, and sentiments.Wishing you a wonder-filled week ♥️
Hello, dear Pam. I well know how you feel when you see snow. It was the same for me when we lived in VA. When I saw the weather, I thought you would probably have a nice snow, however, winter is not near over.
Thank you for your nice comments and as always for your visit. Have a lovely week!
Oh yes, Sandra, the view from the window. A January window! Your picture illustrating Plath’s quote is lovely and when seeing it reminded me of all the times I stopped before ours the last two days before today’s rain washed it all away. It was glorious, much appreciated as it was the first good snowfall we’ve had in several years. The beauty was almost more than I could stand! I’m sure you’re right, our love of it must come from childhood memories. Thank you for your ending wish for us. It has been a peaceful day, especially with news that one of our sons is finally beginning to feel slightly better after a week of being so sick with Covid. He’d been double vaccinated but had put off his booster and so regretted it. This mother’s heart has been burdened so I needed good news today.
Dear Dewena, so good to hear from you. I am so sorry to hear about your son. I am just thankful he was vaccinated, it most likely kept him from being even more ill. I have a dear friend I am most concerned about. She and her husband are both ill – but do not feel they have Covid and won’t be tested.
The snow does help winter move along – its beauty is such a blessing to enjoy. Rain washed our snow away as well, but it didn’t wash the cold temperatures away, it is in the low 20’s here today.
Wishing you warm winter days, good books, and lots of tea. Stay well!
I love the view from your windows. You are by a pond? How wonderful! I have a love-hate relationship with snow. I love it when it’s pretty. About two days later it is a pain! Or as Mary wrote in that beautiful poem, “whatever its severe and comfortless and beautiful meaning.” So true! You do have a lot more snow than we do — I know that will change but for now, I’m content with a light ground covering!
Good morning, Jeanie. I thought you all would be buried in snow. We had a nice snow, and then the rain washed it away. But it is really cold. I am still dragging my feet to take down Christmas, and I blame it on my books. I am reading the book you recommended – “Chocolat” – it is wonderful so far.
Enjoy these winter days and stay well!