“It was Indian summer, a bluebird sort of day as we call it in the north, warm and sunny, without a breath of wind; the water was sky-blue, the shores a bank of solid gold.” ~ Sigurd F. Olson
Good Sunday morning, dear ones. It is hard to believe this is the last Sunday of October. I hope you have enjoyed many “bluebird sort of days.” I have tried to keep my mind on lovely things and the magnificent beauty which surrounds me. Unfortunately, this next week will most likely be full of confusing political issues, and unsettling remarks. Not to mention, more sad news about the dreadful virus. I have heard so many people say, “November third can’t come soon enough.” Honestly, I will admit, I feel that way too. And, I know you join me in praying we will see a week without violence.
Did you know hydrangeas represent, ‘thank you for understanding?’ They do. I believe it is so important to try and be understanding. Sometimes I succeed and other times I don’t. I suppose that is because I am human. It would truly be a dull world if we all thought alike or had the same opinions. However, now more than ever, it is especially important to take a step back and try and understand others, to truly listen, and to place ourselves in their shoes. It is our “business to help reduce ignorance, degradation, and misery.” Our differences can make us a beautiful nation and an example to the world. Because, “When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge.” And, isn’t that a lovely thought?
“Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.” ~ Pema Chodron
I pray we will walk through a new door, into the light. And, from all we have learned, be better humans, working together to build a nation of respect and kindness. To live with John Denver’s thoughts in our minds, “I believe that we are here for each other, not against each other. Everything comes from an understanding that you are a gift in my life – whoever you are, whatever our differences.”

Dear friends, thank you so much for your visit. In closing, I would like to say, “With all my heart, I believe a change is in the air.” And, my faith tells me it is for the good. The virus will eventually go away and it will have taught us many things.
“After all this is over what really will have mattered is how we treated each other.” ~ unknown
To that, I would like to add, and how we ‘continue’ to treat each other.
Wishing you a beautiful day and may the angels walk with you along your path. Stay well!
Notes: Quote information, “When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge.” is by Tuli Kupferberg.
Images: Pixibay and tumblr
Sandra, that first picture is magnificent! And to look at something like that and your other pictures truly does help. I wrote down the Heinlein quote from one of your previous posts and keep it right by my laptop to remind me to do my part in not adding to the current nastiness. I can’t do much but I can be kind and polite. Perhaps one day we will see it spreading and crowding out the bad manners.
Dear Dewena, I believe that also. Have a beautiful and peaceful day, my friend.❤
I always enjoy your Sunday posts. The first image reminds me of one that I took a couple of years ago at Oxbow Bend in the Grand Teton. I love the JD quote, he was a prolific song-writer, singer, and musician. I pray for our nation daily…wishing you a lovely Sunday my friend.
Many thanks, Pam. The words of John Denver are so true, and for me serve as a guide for my daily thoughts. Wishing you and yours a beautiful and peaceful Sunday, dear one.❤
I didn’t know hydrangeas meant that. It’s a wonderful meaning and I will remember that one. Yes, I’m ready to walk through a new door and only hope those weeks following the election aren’t too violent and that the results will bring some sanity to our country. There’s such high anxiety now — certainly here. Covid won’t stop in a day — no one should expect it to. But hopefully, things will work well to bring our country back to some degree of decency.
I agree with your every word, Jeanie. And, my friend, I have so thought of you with the ugly things that have happened in your area. I do hope that such things will end everywhere.
Wishing you a wonderful day and week ahead.
Love the first picture very much. Autumn is a beautiful season.
I pray for all those suffering from the virus. Our numbers are up!
I pray for our nation in all areas for God’s will.I know He is in control and has a plan.
Good morning, Bonnie. Our numbers are up as well. I hold great concern for our nation, but I do believe good things are coming. Wishing you a lovely day and week ahead.
Good morning, Sandra! I hadn’t realized that this is the last Sunday of October! It is one of my most favorite months, and it seems to have gone by in a blink! As always, the photographs and quotes you have shared are beautiful. Take care, and have a most blessed week ahead!
Good morning, Shannon. It is hard to believe October is on the way out and it is a favorite month for me also. Wishing you a lovely day and week ahead, sweet friend.
A beautiful heartfelt post Sandra. I believe the same thing. Have a lovey week ahead.
Thank you, Penny. Wishing you a wonderful week as well. Don’t work too hard in your new home.
Beautiful post as ever! Fabulous pictures!
Dear Maristella, thank you, sweet friend. Wishing you a beautiful week. ❤
Beautiful fall photo, Sandra! That one short sentence, ” Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us all we need to know ” speaks volumes. Sometimes I feel this pandemic came about to teach us valuable lessons because the world has gone crazy in so many ways. The real heartbreak is that so many have suffered death or ongoing problems from this terrible disease in that learning process. My fervent prayer is that we realize humans will always have their own beliefs; we’ve all had our own life story, which will be different from another’s, therefore we will see things differently. No one should be hated for that. The world would be so boring if we were all just clones, and there wouldn’t be much new to learn that can help in our own lives if we all thought alike. What can change the world for the better is to be understanding of the path another has had to walk and to to keep passing along kindness whenever and wherever we can. The world can be made beautiful, but it takes patience and effort– I believe we are up for the challenge. Wishing you a lovely week, dear friend.
Oh, Bobbie, your thoughts are exactly as mine. However, you stated them much more beautifully. I think members of our society have become so accustomed to being in such a constant state of ‘rush’ that we can not even pause for one moment to honestly listen to others. Much less try to have an understanding. I do believe, we will get there and our nation will once again rise to help ourselves and others.
Bobbie, I am so happy our paths have crossed, your words mean so much. Wishing you a beautiful week, dear one. ❤
I understand exactly what you have replied, Sandra. There is a saying that I try to remember during conversations: “Most listen to reply rather than to understand”. I. too, am thrilled our paths have crossed; your words have been such a comfort to me. Wish we lived nearby; we’d have such fun times. If you are ever in southeastern PA, you must plan to come visit. Hugs!
Oh, Bobbie, I have heard those words and agree. You, sweet friend are in the wrong end of the state of PA. I am one hour south of Pittsburgh, just into West Virginia. Maybe, one day – we are not too far. Hugs to you also, sweet friend.
Not far at all, sweet friend.
Your Sunday posts always calm my heart and soul, Sandra, thank you. Although I don’t always read them on Sunday, somehow on the day I do read them it’s the best day for me to garner snippets of peace, joy and wisdom from you.
I too pray for our nation on a daily basis, that we may go back to being kinder, more gentler with each other, that we may stop calling each other names and go back to loving our neighbors and appreciating our differences rather than what is happening right now. Times are tough, but the enemy is not US. Thank you Sandra. xo Lidy
Dear Lidy, thank you so much for your visit. You are so right, “the enemy is not US.” Evil does present itself in many forms. I do believe kindness, love, and beauty will rise and shine once again.
Enjoy the autumn days, they are moving too quickly.