Lovely Things ~ Of The Past

“The ‘Amen’ of nature is always a flower.” ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

Does anyone else love vintage seed packets and garden catalogs?  Perhaps they are simply just another one of the many things I find lovely, but I even thought they were wonderful when I was a young girl.  I would collect my grandmother’s seed packets and tuck them in a notebook.  Goodness, I wish I had those packets today.  I’m not quite sure what I would do with them ~ but I still wish I had them.  Although, I don’t remember any of them being quite as lovely as the ones I am about to show you. 

Still today, pretty seed packets tug at the heart of every gardener.  Seeing gorgeous images on seed packets, makes me want to purchase many and plant them all.  Because that is how gardeners feel and what they do when they lay their eyes on beauties of the plant world.  


“Happiness held is the seed, happiness shared is the flower.” ~ Margaret Lindsey



What a find it would be to come upon a vintage seedbox.  I have memories of hardware stores with whirling ceiling fans, wooden floors that creak, filled with all sorts of treasures and wonderful smells.  The seedbox was always sitting by the cash register, chocked full of glorious seeds, waiting for customer selection. 


“Flowers are beautiful hieroglyphics of nature.” ~ Wolfgang von Goethe

Seeing this seed packet of marvelous poppies a gardener clearly imagines a huge vase of them, placed in their home.  

Vintage seed packets not only charmed gardeners by their beauty, their price was sweet.  Today, one couldn’t begin to imagine purchasing six packages of seed, one each of these lovely flowers, for .35 cents including postage and shipping.

Or these nasturtiums for 5 cents a packet.  And,  just a bit of information: Nasturtiums are not only pretty to grow, they are most enjoyable sprinkled on top of a salad.

And who could resist purchasing a packet of seeds with this precious little girl on the front?  Surely, any company who approved this image must have wonderful seeds that would grow and thrive.

So while we may no longer be able to purchase our seeds in such lovely packets ~ the joy of planting and watching things grow still remains. 

Popping outside first thing in the morning, in your bare feet, to see what changed while you were sleeping, filling vases with gorgeousness, drinking in the fragrance and beauty is what keeps gardeners moving forward.  It truly is a magnificent world.  Once discovered ~ remains with you always. 

“The flowering plant is a metaphor, easily observed for the whole of life.  Everything is contained within the bud, which holds all the promise.  But the glory of the open flower is beyond all anticipation.” ~ Linda Funk 



Thanks for visiting.  Wishing you a beautiful day! 

Au Revoir,



Special NotesThe ‘Event Section’ of this blog has been updated.  Please take a look, there may be something you would like to attend. There are many lovely events happening around the country. 

Also, we have changed Web Managers.  In the process of also changing servers, a few of the comments were lost from my last post, I apologize for this.  Know your comments are always a joy and I so appreciate the time you take to write them. 

Photos:  Pinterest and Facebook




18 thoughts on “Lovely Things ~ Of The Past

  1. Love the art on those seed packets. It would be fabulous to find a seed box!

    1. Thanks for your visit, Penny. I agree it would be great to find a seed box, especially if it still had some pretty packets.

  2. Good morning Sandra, what a joy to catch up with this beautiful post this morning. So much loveliness in one place. I love the vintage seed packets, they are so nostalgic and evoke so many memories of my maternal grandmother. She could grow anything, and her little garden was always so perfect, never a weed to be found! Wouldn’t we love to find a seed box? We are in desperate need of rain. Happy gardening sweet friend!

    1. Good Morning to you, Pam. Thank you so much for your kind words and I am happy you enjoyed the post. I wish we could share some of our rain with you. Everything is green and growing by leaps and bounds. It has been a job to try and stay ahead of the weeds and the rain. More on the way for tomorrow.

      Have a wonderful week and thanks so much for your visit. It means a great deal to me. You are a treasure!

  3. Oh Sandra, those vintage photos are exquisite. Makes me homesick for a time when artists actually rendered the pictures on the outside of seed packets. Oh my. If I was compelled to pick a favourite, then I would pick the red poppy packet for its burst of red … and also the vintage seedbox picture. Otherwise, I’d want them all just for looking at and enjoying their beauty.

    Your stocks in shades of purple and lilac… they must smell absolutely wonderful.

    Love your line…Popping outside first thing in the morning, in your bare feet, to see what changed while you were sleeping…” . Oh yes!

    Thanks for a lovely visit, Sandra. Wishing you a beautiful day!
    Brenda xox

    1. Dear Brenda: Thanks so much for your visit and your wonderful words. I think it is the beauty and workmanship of these vintage things that so tugs at my heart. I found so many beauties in my search, it was truly hard to choose. Have a beautiful week, my friend.

  4. Sandra…such a beautiful post. I, too, remember the vintage seed packets my Mother had. This is an amazingly beautiful grouping of seed packets with beautiful words to accompany them.

  5. I believe, Mary @” Home is Where the Boat Is” has a vintage seedbox. I don’t remember seeing those as a child but they are lovely.
    Delightful and charming post.

    1. Thanks, Bonnie. I so remember them, although many were not as lovely as the ones I have posted, they were still so much prettier than the ones available today.

  6. Sandra, it is such a pleasure to visit your lovely post again. The seed packets of yesteryear were beautiful art work. I only wish I had a collection. Wishing you a beauty-filled Tuesday sweet friend!

    1. Thanks so much, Pam. I wish I had a collection of them too! Wishes for a most beautiful day!

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