Easter Sunday

“The very first Easter taught us this: that life never ends and love never dies.” ~ Kate McGahan


Good morning, beautiful souls.  I do hope this Easter morning finds you well and in good spirits.  Easter is such a lovely time.  Even under our current circumstances, it remains a joyful day.  John Paul II told us, “Do not abandon yourselves to despair.  We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song.”  Inspiring words.FINALIZATĂ Fugind de destin ai o singură destinație: locul în … #dragoste # Dragoste # amreading # books # wattpad

“I think of the garden after the rain; And hope to my heart comes singing, At morn the cherry-blooms will be white, …

And the Easter bells be ringing!” ~ Edna Dean Proctor

“For I remember it is Easter morn, And life and love and peace are all new born.” ~ Alice Freeman Palmer

FINALIZATĂ Fugind de destin ai o singură destinație: locul în … #dragoste # Dragoste # amreading # books # wattpad“Twas Easter-Sunday. The full-blossomed trees filled all the air with fragrance and with joy.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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Dear friends, know I am wishing you and yours an Easter-Sunday as beautiful as Longfellow describes.
May peace and love be with you always.



“The great gift of Easter is hope.” ~ Basil Hume

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Images: via tumblr


22 thoughts on “Easter Sunday

  1. Such a beautiful and inspiring post for this glorious day. May peace be with you, and happy Easter, dear friend!

    1. Thank you, sweet friend. Blessings to you and your family on this special day and always.❤

  2. I love the John Paul II quote, have written it down as a reminder that even though this Easter Sunday is nothing like what we ever imagined it could be, that we are not to feel despair. All day long my heart will be full of the hope that an Easter child should have. It was lovely when I got up this morning and now the rain has arrived. There will be FaceTime with family today and a simple Easter dinner for RH and me and snuggling with my dachshunds. I am so thankful for that.

    A blessed Easter Sunday to you, dear Sandra,

    P.S. I always love your Sunday posts so much!

    1. Dear Dewena, thank you, my friend. This Easter is just Mike and me as well. However, I am so grateful for him and our dear home and to have food on our table. We had a little rain earlier and now it is cloudy with pops of sun. Easter was always my dear mom’s favorite holiday and it has become mine. Easter blessings to you and your family. Stay well. ❤

  3. Bien, ya estamos en tiempo de alegría: de la Pascua de Resurrección, de la primavera que nos regala sus colores y todo ello nos hace feliz.
    Me encantan las pequeñas iglesias como esa tan hermosa que nos muestras…En España no es frecuente encontrar iglesias como estas que parecen de cuento de hadas….
    En Belicena ,que es un pueblo de Granada (Andalucía) donde vive mi hija Leticia, hay una pequeña iglesia muy interesante ya que fue un templo musulmán en la época de la dominación árabe en España y está reformada para culto cristiano. Es interesante pero no tiene el encanto de esas iglesias tan encantadoras como la que muestras…son como casitas de cuentos…jajajaja
    Las flores…el campo…la primavera…son un regalo de Dios.
    Con amor

    1. Well, we are now in a time of joy: Easter, spring that gives us its colors and all of this makes us happy.
      I love small churches like that one so beautiful that you show us… In Spain it is not frequent to find churches like these that look like fairy tales….
      In Belicena, which is a town in Granada (Andalusia) where my daughter Leticia lives, there is a very interesting small church since it was a Muslim temple at the time of the Arab domination in Spain and is reformed for Christian worship. It is interesting but it does not have the charm of those charming churches like the one you show … they are like fairytale houses … hahahaha
      The flowers … the field … spring … are a gift from God.
      With love

      Dear Dolores, Yes, spring is truly a gift from God. Now, more than ever, we appreciate this beautiful gift. I hope your Easter was wonderful and I wish you blessings each and every day. Have a beautiful week, dear friend. ❤

  4. As always, Sandra, the most perfect combination of breathtaking images and thought-provoking words. I hope you Easter was very happy.

    1. Many thanks, Jeanie. We had a quiet and lovely day. The weather turned nice in the afternoon and we actually sat in the garden for a little while. Wishing you a wonderful week!

    1. Dear Laura, And your sweet words are a balm to mine. Have a lovely week and stay well.❤

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