Cutter, Leaver, or Hider ?

“Anything which grows is always more beautiful to look at than anything which is built.”  – Lin Yu Tang


So, which type of gardener are you?  Yes, there are different types, three exactly. In case you are not familiar with the different types of gardeners, I will explain.  They are:  Cutters, Leavers, and Hiders.

I will confess, I am a Cutter.  One of the main reasons cutters garden is to bring magnificent beauty inside their homes.  You see, we fill everything imaginable with gorgeousness and place such gorgeousness throughout the house. Filling every spot large enough to hold a vessel. And by the way, cutters also haunt garage sales and thrift stores in search of containers for their fabulous garden cuttings – but that is really another post.

Next, are the Leavers.  Leavers never cut a bloom from anything in their beloved garden.  Truly, it pains them to do so.  My dear friend, and former neighbor Cathy, was a leaver.  I would cut blooms and take them to her.  She would invite me to see anything and everything blooming in her garden, but she couldn’t bear the thoughts of cutting.  However, I knew I was her special friend. From time-to-time, she would cut a single bloom of something she knew I admired, and present it to me.  True friendship and love.

Last, are the Hiders.  The hiders may possibly have some issues.  They secretly want to be cutters but can’t quite manage to constantly carry snips in their pockets – the trait of a cutter. They adore blooms inside their homes, but don’t want their lovely garden to look as though a cutter has been there.  So what do they do? They cut from deep inside, or to the back of a stand of blooms.  Thus, the foliage from the other blooms cover the trail of their work.  No one will ever know what they have done. Shameful, isn’t it?


Now that you have the ‘dirt’ on the different types of gardeners.  Let’s do something fun.  

The lovely iris above is named, “Stairway to Heaven.”  She is the child of Edith Wolford x Breakers, is 39″ in height, and a vigorous grower. Below are her credentials.

1995 – Honorable Mention Winner

1997 Award of Merit Winner

1999 – John C. Wister Award Winner

2000 – Recipient of the Dykes Medal Award Winner

Her awards were bestowed upon her by the American Iris Society. The Dykes Medal is the highest award of the American Iris Society and is awarded to no more than one iris per year. An iris is eligible for this award for three years,  following winning of a classification medal.  

I have enjoyed this beauty in our garden for many years.  Yesterday, was time for her thinning and due to her height, she needed a spot where she would be more visible.  All this brings me to: it is time for a GIVEAWAY .  There will be three winners.  To enter and win a healthy start of this beautiful award winner, you must respond via the contact button on the blog. Tell me what type of gardener you are and  explain why you feel you are a cutter, leaver or hider.  Entries must be received by Monday night, July 10, 2017.  The winner will be announced on Tuesday morning, July 11, 2017.  Note:  An objective 3rd party will select the winners.

Get busy, find a nice sunny spot in your garden for this pretty girl and enter the GIVEWAY– you just may be a winner !

Thanks for visiting.  Hugs and Love to you !

Au Revoir,



photo:  Pinterest

26 thoughts on “Cutter, Leaver, or Hider ?

  1. I’m a cutter! I love to bring flowers in my home to admire and sniff all day ❤️❤️

    1. I am a cutter too. I am there with you about the flowers in our homes – they add so much.

    1. Me too, Penny. I don’t have a specific cutting garden in this home, but I had an enormous cutting garden at our previous home. It was wonderful – enjoy yours!

  2. I am a leaver! I love for people to see my pretties when walking by or driving! It also pains me to think I might be hurting the plant! I know sounds crazy! Also after 15 years of looking we finally found the perfect home we move in August! The yard needs some love! Your pretties would be a beautiful start!
    Thank you,
    Margie Brown Davis

    1. Margie: I understand wanting to leave your beauties in the garden. Others do so enjoy them. I have a row of hydrangeas that have actually stopped traffic. Enjoy your new home and garden.

    1. Pam: “Stairway to Heaven” is a beauty. My theory about cutting is: Plant enough to be lovely in the garden and in the house.

  3. I’m a new follower because I saw your comment over at Sharon’s place. You are so funny, and I’m sure I will love following along. Come see me when you have time. xx’s Marsha

    1. Marsha: So happy that you have visited today and that you enjoyed the post. I did visit you – but was unable to find a place to comment. Your blog is beautiful!

    1. Shirley: I think at times, yes a person can be all three. However, unless a garden tour was approaching, I am probably not a hider. But I am a cutter and maybe a leaver at times.

    1. Heidi: I think everyone can at times be all 3 – maybe it has to do with our moods on a particular day.
      So glad you visited me.

  4. I guess I will shamefully admit that I am a hider. I just never want to ruin the aesthetics of my garden but I also want so badly to bring that beauty indoors. ?❤️ “Stairway to Heaven” iris is simply gorgeous!!!❤️

    1. Ah, Colleen – I do understand that you don’t want to disturb the beauty of your garden. Perhaps, you could snip a single bloom for yourself and other to enjoy indoors. “Stairway to Heaven” is a true beauty.

  5. Hider for sure! Want the best of both worlds, a lush garden and to bring the outdoors inside my home.

    1. Mary: Well if you are careful and hide where you have cut – you can have the best of both worlds !

  6. I am a leaver…I do not even like cut flowers from a florist…leave them to be beautiful in their natural setting. 🙂

    1. Jeanne: Flowers from a florist are grown for the specific reason of providing beauty to others. You may try snipping one bloom, flowers add so much to our lives and our daily rounds.

  7. I am a shameful ‘Hider’ – it is absolutely about issues! I want to see them inside with me, but I also want my neighbors to be pea green with envy driving by gawking at some of my displays. When I cut a ‘hider’, first I make sure to tell Mr. Red Bellied Snake good morning LOUD AND A LOT, because I think he sleeps in my largest flower bed…then I’ll reach in the middle as quick as I can for snipping…… I did decide some of my Double/Triple Ditch Lillies need giving away and Miss Stairway to Heaven would be a Queen in that bed!

    1. Oh my goodness Anne – Miss Stairway to Heaven would definitely make your neighbors “pea green with envy.” You are a hider for sure if you know a snake lives in this bed. I hope you are always quick with your work.

    1. Linda: I understand being a leaver- especially if it is a small area and one that others enjoy on their daily rounds.

  8. I’m definitely a cutter. I love to bring flowers from my garden inside to enjoy their beauty. I love to plant flowers I know I’ll be able to cut when they bloom.

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