A Few Pretty Things

“The beauty is pleasing to the eyes, the sweetness charms the soul.” ~ Voltaire

Isn’t she pretty?  I wonder if she has a name.

Good morning, dear friends.  I am so happy you are here this morning, and I do hope you will enjoy your visit. By now, you must know I love gardens full of flowers and, well,  pretty much any and all lovely things.  So today, I thought I would share a few things I found while in pursuit of specific photos and information.  Or, I should say, “I am sharing my distractions.”  It does seem, beauty finds me.  Therefore, what I am about to share are photos I consider to be beautiful and which touched my heart.  

While my photography skills are slowly improving, I do not always have gorgeousness at my fingertips to photograph.  At least, not the visions which continually float in my mind.  Oh, but they are in internet land. Whatever did we do before the internet?  I have divided my finds to make it easier for you to navigate and, hopefully, to prevent you from feeling as though I have taken complete leave of my senses. 

Be sure to find your coffee or tea, get comfy, and  enjoy ~  ‘A Few Pretty Things.’ 


“The voice of beauty speaks softly; it creeps only into the most fully awakened souls.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

“Arranging a bowl of flowers in the morning can give a sense of quiet in a crowded day ~ like writing a poem or saying a prayer.” ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

For me, something unexpected always enhances a floral arrangement, such as the honeysuckle vine in this lovely arrangement.

“I cannot imagine a world without the sight and fragrance of a flower.” ~ Rachel Ashwell

Or a world without visits from special friends.  You know, the ones who make you feel like it is a privilege to be with them.  Seeing a praying mantis in our garden makes me almost giddy with excitement.  I think they are quite special and amazing. 

“Architecture is frozen music.” ~ Goethe

I do love and admire gorgeous architecture.  And, to me, the ‘old’ holds unmatched beauty.

This magnificent angel spans three stories of an apartment building at 57 Rue de Turbigo in Paris. With massive wings unfurled, her feathers brush against the fourth-floor windows of the building.  She was designed by architect Eugène Demangeat in 1860, who at the time was an art student at the school of fine arts and architecture; école des Beaux-Arts et Architectue.  She remains today and has come to be known as the ‘Paris Angel.’

A beauty in Bourgogne, France.

You can almost hear the stories coming from this lovely lady.  I am sure she has lived, and hopefully is continuing to live, a fascinating life.

Something wonderful must be about to happen in this beautiful room.  Wouldn’t you love to attend?  Oh, I certainly would. I could spend hours in complete awe.  The artistic ability and craftsmanship in the architectural details are magnificent.

 “The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.” ~ Maya Angelou

I wonder if this beautiful home has a name.  What would you name her?  

“Still round the corner there may wait, a new road or a secret gate.” ~ J. R. R. Tolkien

Pretty iron gates are something I have always admired, perhaps it is because I always feel beauty lies beyond.  These two were in my view last week.

“Ever since I could remember anything, flowers have been like dear friends to me, comforters, inspirers, powers to uplift and to cheer.” ~ Celia Thaxter

These stunning window boxes would certainly “uplift and cheer” anyone who happened to pass by.

Did you know the French believe the color blue on the exterior of a home keeps away evil spirits?  My sweet husband painted our front door a lovely shade of blue.  

Perhaps, this is what Vita Sackville-West had in her view when she said, “Flowers really do intoxicate me.”



“Surrounding yourself with beauty is a sublime experience.” ~ Unknown

Classic and timeless elegance ~ tablecloths to the floor make my heart sing.

Soft and beautiful.

Perfect, for resting and refilling your inner well.

“One day the first greens appeared on our table; then the first carrots, still tiny and so delicate, so bright.  Oh, there were very few of them, so few that one would have thought they were for a doll’s dinner, but if you could have seen our hands clasped in wonder!  If you could know what an unforgettable miracle it will always be for me, the memory of that birth, in the middle of war, of living, growing food.” ~Fernand Lequenne, My Friend the Garden  ~ A Month in the Country

The quote above has been in my ‘little book of special things’ for many years.  When I first read it, I truly realized how blessed my life has been and what I have taken for granted over the years.  Having beautiful fresh food from the garden is a luxury, not one to ever be taken for granted. 

Love, skill, and fresh ingredients equal excellent taste as well as beauty.  Cooking for those you love is a privilege.

“Smile, it is the key that fits the lock of everybody’s heart.” ~ Anthony J. D’Angelo

Precious ‘little ones’ always make us smile ~ don’t they?


“It was a glorious evening, the sun seeming to hesitate in the process of setting, as if it couldn’t bear to end the day. It was teetering on the horizon, throwing ribbons of pink and mauve across the sky like life ropes, and the air was sweet with jasmine.” ~ Kate Morton


The End

Dear friends, I do hope you have found in this post “beauty which pleased your eyes” and “sweetness that charmed your soul.”   And, perhaps inspiration and good thoughts to carry with you through the week.  Thanks so much for your visit! 

Wishing you and yours a most beautiful week ~ enjoy these summer days !


Au Revoir,




Note:  Images ~ (Via Tumblr and M.S. Lambiotte) Unless otherwise stated, I do not claim ownership of these photos. These photos are the work of tremendously talented people.  I simply compiled them for your enjoyment.

14 thoughts on “A Few Pretty Things

  1. So many beautiful pictures and lovely quotes! Have a wonderful week.

  2. Oh my, those stunning window boxes and bright blue windows and door made my heart flutter! They are gorgeous and that beautiful angel the stories she could tell! Such a beautiful post, sweet friend! Enjoy your day!!!

  3. Lovely photos. The world is so full of beauty and we need that beauty as an antidote to the brokenness and horror that so often mar life.

    1. Oh, Lorrie, thank you for your words. And, that is the very reason I began my blog. I hope you will follow along and continue to enjoy. Thanks so much for your visit.

  4. Sandra, I saved reading your post until the end of my day. I knew it would be beautiful and inspiring. The Paris angel, the praying mantis, window boxes, wisteria, garden gates, a blue door and all the other stunning images fill up my senses. Thank you for the gorgeous images and quotes sweet friend. Beauty is everywhere if we only open our eyes. You are always looking, therefore you see it. Have a joy-filled week!

    1. Dear Pam, I thank you so very much for your lovely words ~ they keep me going. I truly believe if we pay attention to beauty it makes us kinder people. You are a wonderful example – you have been surrounded by beauty and have been creating beauty your entire life. And, you are a wonderfully kind soul. Have a lovely, lovely week, dear friend!

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