“The best part about Christmas is the build-up to it, and doing all the fun stuff, like baking, decorating, getting presents for loved ones, getting a tree, watching Christmas movies, watching Christmas specials, drinking cocoa, playing in the snow, listening to Christmas music. . .” ~ Unknown

Good Sunday morning, dear friends. I hope this finds you well and enjoying this beautiful month. Mike and I are about ready for Christmas. We have a few remaining things to do outside and some small details inside. And then, the ‘cookie factory’ will open. The fruit cakes were made last weekend and they are enjoying their soak in Calvados (French apple brandy). You will find the recipe here.
“. . . snow~dusted villages lit with wick and wax, lit with wonder by tiny souls.” ~ M, Wonder & Joy
During my years growing up in North Central West Virginia, we always had snow during the Christmas season. Our downtown area was so pretty dressed in a blanket of snow and the lights sparkled like diamonds. Everywhere you looked, the lights were twinkling. There were specialty shops and beautifully decorated department store windows, as well as a huge tree. The tree, decorated with colored lights, proudly stood on the Court House Square, along with Santa’s house and loads of children so excited to visit Santa. Wiggling and dancing around, hardly able to contain their excitement. People were bursting with Christmas cheer as they scurried about, and finally ending their evening with a nice cup of cocoa at the local drug store, Wells and Haymaker. Truly, this is not a dream, it was just a different time and world.
“Between bustle and breaths, between twinkling and flurry, December’s warm embrace.” ~ M. Wonder & Joy
“I don’t remember what I got for Christmas when I was six or ten. I do remember the smell of the kitchen on Christmas morning. I remember counting the marshmallows my dad put in my hot cocoa. I remember waking up, giving my parents a hug, and feeling magic before a gift was even opened. Remember, it is the memories that make the magic.” ~ Unknown
Don’t Christmas ornaments bring back the memories? We have a tree in our family room with ornaments from both of our childhoods as well as from our school children. A Christmas ornament is the perfect gift for a teacher or school employee. Many I received were hand made and to me, that makes them extra special. I can still tell you who gave them to me, remembering the child fondly.
While we all decorate our trees differently, I have never seen one that was not beautiful. Large or small, lavish or simple. . .
“The Christmas tree is a symbol of love, not money. There’s a kind of glory to them when they’re all lit up that exceeds anything all the money in the world could buy.” ~
I certainly agree with Mr. Hope, ” Why do we have to wait for Christmas to be loving to others?” But at Christmas we are different, aren’t we? The entire world seems to be wrapped in the goodness that we do not see so much throughout the year. We are greeted everywhere with lovely decorations, marvelous smells, and smiles and greetings from strangers. We feel warm even in unseasonably cold weather. Such a part of the magic of the season.
“Peace on earth will come to stay, When we live Christmas every day.” ~ Helen Steiner Rice
Dear friends, know I wish you and yours a beautiful day.
And. . .
May the love of this precious time of year be yours to savor throughout the season and always. Stay well!
Always Believe,
Images: via Tumblr and M.S. Lambiotte
A lovely reflective post, Sandra. I have so many lovely memories of Christmases past. Our house is slowly being decorated. It’s feeling cozy at our house. It will be just the two of us this year so everything is simple this year, but still festive and cozy.
Wishing you a beautiful Sunday….
Brenda xo
Good morning, Brenda. Thank you so much for your kind words. It is just the two of us as well and we have scaled back the decorating. However, everything is cozy, twinkling, and warm. And, we have so much to be grateful for.
Have a lovely day, my friend.
Good morning Sandra. This is a lovely post of beautiful images and heartfelt sentiments. The hubby and I were just talking yesterday about our sweet downtown during our childhood. It sounds just like yours. It was definitely a different and cherished time. Wishing you and Mike a beautiful Sunday!
Good morning, Pam. Our downtown was lovely as I am certain so many small towns were. Truly a different world. Wishing you and your family a beautiful day and may all your December days be a treasure.
I love that you have trees with ornaments from the days of teaching, each bringing a special memory. And then ornaments from your childhood — oh, I don’t know if you can get much better than that. And the ornaments from your own pasts — yes, loads of memories there, too. I love the coziness of Christmas, the light, the sparkle, the glow. Even though no one will see it but Rick and me, I will be be decking the halls as best as I can, for who deserves joy more than any single one of us who have survived 2020!
Good morning, Jeanie. Yes, we do treasure our ornaments and I think just about everyone I know does as well. We have a smaller tree this year, the 8ft. one became too heavy for the two of us to get up and down the stairs. But our smaller one twinkles just a bright and seems to be so proud standing in the living room window. It is only Mike and me as well and you are so right that we “deserve joy for surviving 2020.”
Wishing you December days to treasure.
Sandra, Your fruit cakes are beautiful. I know they are delicious.
You have given me a gift this morning with the idea of thinking about Christmas traditions through the years. I remember so well the wonder of the beautifully decorated department store windows with moving parts. People would drive for miles to see them in our state capital city.
We did not have snow in south Alabama but I have memories of lots of snow when we lived in Alaska. We learned to snow ski there and there was nothing better than a mug of hot chocolate in the lodge between runs.
Have a great week.
Good morning, Bonnie. If you like fruit cake it is a really good recipe.
I am happy you enjoyed the post, memories of our town decorated to welcome this glorious season are so special. It was a gift all by itself just to be downtown and go through the stores. Isn’t it wonderful we have our precious memories? I am certain you saw plenty of snow during your stay in Alaska. That must have had its challenges for an Alabama girl.
Wishing you a lovely day and week ahead.
I grew up in a small town in Michigan and Christmas there sounds a lot like where you grew up. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas season.
Good morning, Penny. I believe small towns all across America were pretty much the same. And, that is the joy of small-town living.
Happy and beautiful December days to you and yours.
It is definitely the memories that make Christmas! Today is the feast of St Nicholas, the eve before being when my family placed our stockings out to be filled. I ate a couple of halos last night and was transported to that morning when our stockings would have tangerines, nuts, candies and a small gift in our stockings! Happy second week of Advent, Sandra.
Precious memories, Rita. Your mom and dad had lots of stockings to fill with your large family. I just know you have memories of lots of laughter with all your siblings. So special.
Wishing you December days to treasure, always.
Good morning, Sandra! Such a beautiful post for this Christmas season! You made me think of my downtown as a child with its beautiful Christmas displays in the store windows, large parade, and my grandfather had outdoor speakers from his business that would play Christmas music. It was just so magical and makes me a little sad that these wonderful times don’t exist anymore, but I’m grateful for the memories. Take care, sweet friend, and enjoy this most glorious season!
Good morning, Shannon. Yes, aren’t we fortunate to have such memories. Our little town is still decorated, but most of the beautiful stores are gone.
Wishing you December days to treasure. Enjoy Miss Ruby, she will provide you and your family with special memories. Stay well, my friend.
Sweet memories!Adorable post!Hugs and blessings!
Many thanks, Maristella. Wishing you beautiful December days, sweet friend.
Sandra, cherished Christmas memories are just the best, aren’t they, and I am so glad to have them as 2020’s Christmas surely is a very different one. I have such fond memories of our little village all aglow and caroling w/ my family. In our hometown, people knew just about everyone, so we were invited into homes for yummies. The hot drinks were surely welcomed as we ventured back out into the cold, snowy night. I wasn’t really feeling “Christmas” this year, and was thinking I wouldn’t put up any decorations, but the house just felt so unloved that I changed my mind. Glad I did because the house now feels festive and cozy, and I so needed that. I may just keep everything out until Feb…..or March lol! Your fruit cake looks delish. I’m hypoglycemic, so no sugar the last 40 years, but I was one of the ones that loved a good fruit cake w/ a cold glass of milk (sigh). Your pictures are beautiful…have some of the same on my Pinterest board under ” Christmas Outdoors “. Hugs!
Oh, Bobbi, I am so happy you decided to put up your decorations. I am terrible about giving in to taking them down. One year, I did actually leave the tree up until after Valentine’s Day. Mike thought I had lost my mind. Yes, our Christmas memories are cherished. I am so grateful for them.
Wishing you beautiful December days to treasure, dear friend.❤
Love your post and sentiments…we are trying to do it simply with heart and soul…and that will just have to be enough! Hugs, Sandi
Hi Sandi, we have scaled back on decorating this year also. Never worry, I am certain your heart and soul will be more than enough. Wishing you lovely December days.
Querida Sandra, tus palabras son preciosas, me han hecho retroceder muchos años de mi vida con recuerdos entrañables al referirte a los pequeños regalos de los alumnos por Navidad, eran regalos sencillos pero eran como tesoros que todavía guardo con amor. Yo fui maestra de escuela antes de serlo de música porque terminé antes la carrera de maestra. Esas niñas traían con mucho cariño regalitos muy sencillos pero nunca me deshice de ellos…fue una temporada muy hermosa por el cariño que daban esas niñas.
la Navidad es magia…y lo interesante es que se tengan los años que se tengan…nunca perder esa magia.
tu post es maravilloso, un gran abrazo
Dearest Dorles, thank you so much, my friend. I know you treasure the gifts from your students. Such sweet things are the magic of Christmas. Dolores, I do hope this finds your arm well on the mend. I am sending you much love and wishing you magical December days to treasure, always.
This is such a gorgeous and sweet post Sandra! I too have such wonderful memories of Christmas as a child, also of when my children were young, and now we are making new memories with our larger family as our little people have joined in the celebrations. I wish you the most magical, blessed Christmas time, dear friend. xo Lidy
Lidy, first let me say how happy I always am to have a visit from you. Our memories seem extra precious this year, as the year has been so challenging. However, hard times bring many good lessons. And, more than ever, I feel we all now well understand the importance of our families, friends and our homes. Wishing you and your family a beautiful Christmas season and many blessings.
Thank you for the joy you bring to me with your beautiful blog. Hugs and Love, Sandra ❤
Christmas trees are almost always beautiful, but we had one once that was quite ugly. Or maybe it was just our mood at the time.
Memories seem to surge at Christmas time, and I’ve been pondering them, too, lately. This year will be very different, and I think that we will remember it in years to come. Thank you for your thoughtful post.
Hello, Lorrie. I agree with your every word, except about your Christmas tree. I would imagine it was quite pretty. Even an ugly shaped tree seems to take on a proud presence when adorned with a few ornaments.
I, too, believe we will all remember this Christmas and it must be so hard on you and your husband not to be able to be with your new little one. Missing her will make your time with her all the more precious, once you are able to be together.
Wishing you happy December days.