“All things seem possible in May” ~ Edwin Way Teale
Good morning, dear friends. As I write this on the last day of April 2022, I think of how fortunate I am to be sitting in my little corner of the world, with the window open and listening to the local bird orchestra playing their tunes. Our Carolina Jasmine is in full bloom and the fragrance drifting through the open window is divine. Yes, May is a real joy. And, truly Edwin Teale spoke true words. “All things do seem possible in May” ~ don’t they?
“The spring is fresh and fearless And every leaf is new, the world is brimmed with moonlight, The lilac brimmed with dew.
Here in the moving shadows, I catch my breath and sing. My heart is fresh and fearless and overbrimmed with spring.” ~ Sara Teasdale
May is a sure sign spring has arrived or at least is moving fast toward all corners of our land. May does offer so much hope ~ new life, new blooms, beautiful green fields, and blue, blue skies. Gorgeousness lies at every turn, and is a feast for one’s eyes.
“. . .as I wandered the forest, the green leaves among, I heard a wildflower singing a song. . .” ~ William Blake
And if it wasn’t the wildflowers that were singing, perhaps it was this pair of sweet baby bluebirds. Anxious to see what the world has to offer.
“The foxglove, with it’s stately bells of purple, shall adorn thy dells.” ~ David Macbeth Moir
Foxgloves are a favorite of mine and Mike is especially fond of them. He lets them go to seed and scatter their seeds where they like. Then, on a cool late summer morning, he transplants the new little plants to a spot of his liking and takes good care of them until the fall rains. When May arrives they reward him for his work. He so enjoys watching a bumble bee disappear deep into their trumpets. I love their freckles.
And then, along comes the lilacs. Many years ago, Mike gave me a vintage piece of needlework that said, “You will know it is here or getting near when the lilacs bloom.” The author was not mentioned but the words are true, at least they are true in West Virginia, where one has learned to place a bit of faith in old garden legends.
“Now that lilacs are in bloom She has a bowl of lilacs in her room And twists one in her fingers while she talks.” ~ T. S. Eliot

“When April steps aside for May, Like diamonds all the raindrops glisten; Fresh violets open every day: To some new bird each hour, we listen. ” ~ Lucy Larcom
Dear friends, I hope you have enjoyed your visit. May this glorious month of May provide you and yours with dazzling beauty and great joy.
I wish you days full of magnificent blue skies, sunshine, and many reasons to “hold your breath.” Be well!
Violet tree peony, Shimadaijin.
I love your Sunday morning May Day greetings! I am thinking perhaps I need some foxgloves in my garden! Between Bonnie M’s and yours and Mike’s adoration, I think my cottage garden would do well to have them. My one peony bush has bloomed profusely this week in spite of rains (expecting thunderstorms today and much rain this week), and my lilac is also in full bloom. Transplanted iris have but a few blooms, but that’s okay. Happy May Day, Sandra!
Oh, the baby bluebirds stole my heart!
Beautiful quotes to read over and over today!
I adore your foxgloves. The purple color is divine. I wish mine would come back next year. Your lilacs are gorgeous too. I love your arrangements! So beautiful! Irises are stunning also. May is your favorite month I can see because your garden is gorgeous with peonies, iris, foxgloves, and lilacs.
Enjoy your Sunday!
Such beautiful pictures and words. I think my favorite picture is of the wildflower field where 2 random sunflowers decided to bloom. Have a wonderful day.
I do adore flowers and have enjoyed all your beautiful photos! I am in Florida for another month and probably will miss my lilacs back in Pennsylvania. Thanks for sharing yours. Oh.. those little bluebirds are so adorable.
We are just seeing leaves on our lilac trees now, but the forsythia has hit hard and gloriously. I do believe we might be in spring to stay. I’ve never planted foxgloves but they are so beautiful I really should. I love Mike’s devotion to letting nature scattering the seeds and then replanting together. I probably wouldn’t be replanting — just letting them be but I’ll bet they are much splashier and more lovely when taking the time to put them in a group! I know your garden must be fabulous!
The baby bluebirds are so sweet, Sandra. Thank you for this most beautiful welcome to May. Oh, how I wish we could grow lilacs, I can just imagine their fragrance. I also love foxgloves and have not attempted to grow them, they remind me of an English garden in the Cotswolds. I love all of the quotes and will be looking forward to seeing your glorious irises. My peonies are opening and they are magnificent. Wishing you and Mike a beautiful week!
Oh those baby bluebirds! The bluebird family has not returned to our feeder for two years now but we do have five new Canada geese goslings now who come up with their parents from the pond several times a day to see us. I am so in love with them. I think we have to try foxgloves here if they self-seed. Your lilacs are magnificent! Ours gives midget blooms compared to yours. And your iris, that ruffly pink one, oh my. Sandra, I have Teale’s autumn and winter nature books and you quoting him reminded me that I’ve never ordered his spring and summer ones. He is my favorite nature writer. I think we can pretty much count on your wishes for May’s blue skies coming true but I wish them for you also.
I’ll try commenting once again. The lilacs are beautiful, and one of the blooms I most anticipate each spring. Ours are just beginning to open up. Beautiful photos and words, Sandra.
What a BEAUTIFUL post. I just love the photos. And lilac season — we are still a few weeks away from lilacs blooming so it was wonderful to catch sight of these bouquets on your blog. Love the wonderful quotes too. You made my day, dear lady. Happy May! xox