These Beautiful Days of June

“It was June, and the world smelled of roses.  The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside.” Maud Hart Lovelace

Good morning, everyone!   I do hope this finds each of you enjoying a glorious June morning.  Until recently, the month of June was not a month to which I had given much thought.  Other than it signaled the end of a school year, it is my husbands birth month, and it is the beginning of summer and hot weather. But lately, at every corner and page I have turned, all I see are beautiful thoughts and images of June.  So, this morning I would like to share some of what I have found with you.  

“I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always June.” – Lucy Maud Montgomery

P. Allen Smith’s Arkansas home ~ Moss Mountain Farm

Oh June, that we desired so, across the river thy soft breezes blow sweet with the scent of beanfields far away, above our heads rustle the aspens grey, calm is the sky with harmless clouds beset, no thought of storm the morning vexes yet.” ~ William Morris

Is it because I am older and have more time, I have taken notice of such gorgeousness? Beauty, in any form, has always commanded my attention, but never before have I connected so much beauty to a single month.  Most likely, June has always arrived finding me still intoxicated by the fragrance of loads of peony blooms and, therefore, my vision has been blurred.  It really is my only excuse.

“Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

“In early June the world of leaf and blade and flowers explode and every sunset is different.” ~ John Steinbeck

“What is one to say about June, the time of perfect young summer, the fulfillment of the promise of the earlier months, and with as yet no sign to remind one that its fresh young beauty will ever fade.” ~ Gertrude Jekyll

June truly has such magnificent beauty.  This beauty has inspired the writings of volumes of lovely words, by marvelously talented souls.  Great love and romance also seem to blossom in June and the month provides the most perfect ambiance for weddings and special celebrations.

“…ambrosial June-inspired blooms, sun parasol days, poetic moons.” ~ Unknown

And as Julia Child stated, “A party without a cake is just a meeting.”  And, we never want our parties to be “just a meeting.”  So, I thought you may enjoy the beautifully decorated Lemon Elderflower Cake ~ it is a cake worthy of a royal occasion.  It was the choice of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle for their wedding cake. (link for the recipe is below)

Lemon Elderflower Cake  ~ Recipe, Visit Here ~

Most importantly, regarding this glorious month, do take time to enjoy the beauty.  Sit, snooze, listen to birdsong and the laughter of children.  Take a drink of anything and everything which is blooming.  Bask in the magnificence of these precious days and notice every detail.

Rest is not idleness on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.” ~ John Lubbock

“A delicious June afternoon of mellow, glowing sunshine is all I needed to uplift my spirits.  Out in the garden, the trees swayed in a gentle breeze and the flowers jiggled merrily and looked like they were dancing.  I sat quiet in the dappled light of a row of bowing elder.  All was calm and unruffled, with only the sound of the leaves whispering things and a wood pigeon cooing in the coppice.  I wrapped myself up in a blanket of pleasant thoughts and set Time  free from his watch.” ~ Flora Turrill

Thanks so much for your visit and perhaps you have been inspired, just as I was, to see June through new eyes.  

Have a most beautiful day!


Au Revoir,


“And what is so rare as a day in June?  Then, if ever, come perfect days.” ~  James Russell Lowell







Images~ Pinterest and Tumblr

Unless otherwise stated, I do not claim ownership of these photos. These photos are the work of tremendously talented people and I simply compiled them for your enjoyment.



































14 thoughts on “These Beautiful Days of June

  1. Good afternoon Sandra. I am so thrilled to read your beautiful thoughts and quotes about the lovely month of June. As always, you have chosen stunning photos to accompany your thoughts! I love the quote by John Lubbock – “watching the clouds float across the sky is by no means a waste of time”. Thank you for the reminder to take time to enjoy a moment. You always inspire beauty, my friend!

    1. Hi Pam. So good to see you here sweet friend and I do thank you for your kind words. Stay cool down there and do enjoy your gorgeous garden. These summer days will pass all too quickly.

  2. What lovely quotes and beautiful photos! I love the month of June. We have been dining outside and watching fireflies.

    1. Thank you, Penny! I love watching fireflies and thinking of the many summer evenings spent as a child catching them. Lovely entertainment as you enjoy dining alfresco!

  3. Sandra, you write the most beautiful posts! You have such an eloquent way with words! Your photographs are gorgeous, and I so agree with you about all the beauty that surrounds us. Happy first day of Summer, sweet friend!!!

    1. So many thanks, my friend for your very kind words. Enjoy these summer days, they will pass all too soon! Happy first day of Summer to you also !

  4. I immediately recognized the P. Allen SMith view – stunning. I love June (and not just because it is also my birth month). Most of the hard chores of getting the landscape into shape are completed, the days are gloriously long, lightning bugs are out, and it just feels good! Happy summer solstice, Sandra!

    1. Rita: many thanks for your visit. I love lightning bugs and have treasured memories of being outside until late as a child trying to catch them. Summer fun. Happy summer days to you !

  5. I must have done something wrong because I do not see my comment. I enjoyed this post very much both times. Delightful images and wonderful quotes have fed my soul! Thank you for the beauty.

    1. Oh, Bonnie ~ so good to see you here. And, thank you for your kind words. Who would know what may have happened to your comment – sometimes things go into cyberspace, not to return.

    1. Pam, thank you so much for your kind words and especially for the opportunity to participate in Gardens Galore !

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