‘Sunday Thoughts’ ~ Busy Times Are Approaching !

“Successful gardening is doing what has to be done, when it has to be done, the way it ought to be done, whether you want to do it or not.”  ~  Jerry Baker


juliamstarr: “Instagram ”Good morning, dear friends.  I hope this finds you well and enjoying the last days of summer.   Autumn will officially arrive Thursday, September 22, 2022.  I don’t know about you, but for me, life seems to get really busy in the fall.  My mind becomes a little cluttered thinking of what is ahead.  Therefore, out comes my trusty tablet and I begin to make my ‘to do’  list.  As the season moves along my list will change as I mark things from the list.


“If you tickle the earth with a hoe, she laughs with a harvest.” ~ Douglas William Jerrold

The first, rather large and time-consuming activity, is telling the garden, ” Enjoy your sleep, dear friend.”  “And, thank you for your amazing beauty.” Depending on where you live, this will require your attention anywhere from September to the first part of November.  Your dear friend will let you know when she is ready for her long sleep.  She will look tired and a little weary.  That time is now in North Central West Virginia.   The peonies need to be cut back (62 of them), pots need to be emptied and placed in the garage, grass seed needs spreading, and plants need to be checked to see if they are healthy.  And perhaps add a little food to carry them through the winter.  Also, should you be unhappy or your plant is unhappy with its current home, now is the time to give them a new home.

This is a job that “needs to be done, whether you want to do it or not.”  However, when this job is complete, a gardener’s heart always sings.

“I can see the woods in their autumn dress, the oaks purple, the hickories washed with gold, the maples and the sumacs luminous with crimson fires.” ~ Mark Twain



In October, the leaves begin to dance.  They are such a happy sight as they float down from the trees and dance along the streets and yards.  However, happy as they appear, they have to be raked.  A job many do not enjoy, but depending on the weather and one’s mindset, raking leaves can turn into special memories.

“November comes and November goes, with the last red berries and the first white snows.  With night coming early, and dawn coming late, and ice in the bucket, and frost at the gate.  The fires burn and the kettles sing, and earth sinks to rest until next spring.” ~ Clyde Watson

November has always been a favorite month of mine.  Perhaps, it is because of Thanksgiving, which I love.  But to me, it seems so special to have a day set aside to count our blessings.  No matter how large or small, we all have blessings we can count.  Often they are right in front of us and we may not see them, but they are there.  And to me, I count our home as a special blessing.  I always like to give her a thorough cleaning,  especially before the Christmas Decorations emerge from their hiding places.

In November, the smell of food is different.  It is an orange smell. A squash and pumpkin smell.  It tastes like cinnamon and can fill up a house in the morning.” ~ Cynthia Ryland


“The days are getting colder, have a warm heart.” ~ Unknown


In closing, dear friends, as you can see I am speaking about busy times from late September through November.  I haven’t included everything whirling about in my head, such as wee gifts to make for neighbors and friends, special gifts for those we love, or cards to be written.  However, it is time for these things to be in our thoughts, not to mention the little touches we all do ~ unique only to us. 

Please know,  I am not mentioning thoughts about December and Christmas.  That, my friends, is for another day.  Because we must savor the glorious moments of autumn.  We mustn’t find ourselves in a crazy whirl and miss the beauty of the season.


Know, I wish you and yours a beautiful day and an autumn full of golden moments.


“Autumn is the hush before winter.” ~ French Proverb





Images: Tumblr


14 thoughts on “‘Sunday Thoughts’ ~ Busy Times Are Approaching !

  1. I have begun making lists, too. The carefree days of summer are over and there are things to be done. I love this time of year when the focus turns towards home and inside pursuits. But first there is the garden to put to bed. We have to divide perennials this year, and are waiting until the rain comes to soften the dry, hard ground.
    Have a good week, Sandra!

    1. Lorrie, I am so happy to hear someone else makes lists. I can’t imagine where I would be without them, especially since I am playing catch-up for July and August. We thinned bulbs yesterday and then made two new beds by the front steps. They should be pretty in the spring. We are to have rain today and tomorrow, something we need. Enjoy these fall days.

  2. Wow, I didn’t remember you had so many peony bushes. It will take a while to prune all those.
    I am still trying to figure out our weather. Everything, I read says to prune azaleas and hydrangeas after they bloom but in our climate they grow back very quickly. Mine need trimming again but I don’t want to cut off spring buds. Enjoyable post as usual. Have a good week, Sandra.

    1. Good morning, Bonnie. Yes, I do have many peonies. Probably too many but I dearly love them. It doesn’t take long to cut them back, but it takes a while to add a little soil and food. Regarding your hydrangeas, it depends on what type they are as to whether you should prune them. I don’t know anything about azaleas. They were everywhere in VA but I never had a proper place for them. Hope you are enjoying cooler weather and that the storm stays away from you.

  3. I always love your Sunday posts, but this one is so very special. Autumn is my favorite time of the year, even though I know what comes along behind it. I am so reminded of all that needs to be done to get the gardens ready to sleep. Ours, here in Western Washington still have Summer blossoms but some plants are getting tired. Today will find me at a nursery nearby looking for some special kale and some pumpkins to place in the garden, pots and on the large porch. Yesterday it was decided that Thanksgiving will be at our house. There will be 10-14 of us, and my husband and I plan to do all of the cooking this time. I look forward to setting beautiful tables, cooking some favorite recipes, and the happiness of just being together. Thank you for inspiring me.

    1. Hello, LInda. Autumn is my favorite too and my birthday is in October. Yes, winter is on it’s way. We don’t usually see winter weather until December, but really it can come anytime from October on. We have pumpkins ready to visit our front porch this weekend – so I know it is truly autumn when that happens. I think it is wonderful that you will have your family for Thanksgiving. Families make the holidays. Enjoy these autumn days. I hope you enjoyed your trip to the garden center.

  4. Sandra, this is a most beautiful post filled with lovely images, quotes, and your special musings. This is my favorite season for so many different reasons. Like Bonnie, I did not know you had that many peonies. I know those blooms bring you much joy. My garden is looking weary from the heat and so am I. Wishing you and Michael a wonderful week!

    1. Hello, dear Pam. Yes, I do have many peonies – too many. But I adore each and every one. The garden is looking tired and things are needing their sleep. I feel that way too. However, our garden’s look is not from the heat. I remember what that looks like. It is just tired and ready to be tucked in for winter.
      Have a lovely remainder of the week and don’t work too hard.

  5. Such truth and substantive words, Sandra! I have spent this past week, every morning, watering newly seeded grass, and it’s beginning to pay off. Hopefully, before the neighbor’s leaves fall, I will have a decent carpet. Annuals are being thinned out (still too early for pansies here so I left most of them). I need to cut back my peonies also, and transplant one, but I have Mexican sunflower annuals still putting on a great show in the spot I want to transplant the one peony! You’re right – lots of work between September and November! I hope you have a productive week, and so glad you’re back in the game of gardening. Thank you for the beautiful words and pictures.

    1. Dear Rita, When we lived in Va. I was always on the look-out for a pink (my favorite color) garden hose. Never did find one. Now, I understand they are everywhere. Here, we don’t have near the amount of watering to do – but enough. I know your Mexican sunflowers are lovely, I have always admired them. Enjoy the autumn days and your gardening. Your hands are happy, I am sure.

  6. What a lovely gift this post is, Sandra. I confess, I’m not ready. It seems as tough the next month or eight weeks are just packed and with little time for rest or to relax. But we shall see…. things happen. Meanwhile, I’ll revel in your beautiful images and words.

    1. Hi, Jeanie. I am not ready for autumn either, even though it is my favorite season. But, I do have to get with the program if I want to see beautiful blooms in the spring. I read that this weekend Boston is to have 2 ft. of snow. Now, I really not ready to see that. I know autumn at your lake is glorious – enjoy every moment.

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