‘Sunday Thoughts’ ~ About August
Good morning, dear friends. I hope this finds you doing well and looking forward to nice autumn days.
It is difficult to believe that this is the last Sunday of August. How did we get here so fast? Personally, August has always seemed like a hectic month to me and not my favorite. In Virginia, there was always much to do in the garden(vegetable), the flower garden was wearing her tired hat, and there was an enormous amount of work to do in order to prepare for the opening of school (students and teachers returning). To further complicate matters, the hurricanes most often arrived around Labor Day weekend, adding extreme chaos to the mix. Especially, when your school was an emergency shelter. Not to mention it was hot ~ really hot. However, I no longer worry about a large vegetable garden, the opening of school, or hurricanes, and I am happy those were days of my other life.
In thinking about this post and going through my things, I found many talented people who wrote lovely things about August. So, without any further chatter, I thought I would share a few of my favorites.
“In August, the large masses of berries, which, when in flower, had attracted many wild bees, gradually assumed their bright velvety crimson hue, and by their weight again bent down and broke their tender limbs.” ~ Henry David Thoreau
“August” by Mary Oliver
When the blackberries hang
swollen in the woods, in the brambles
nobody owns, I spend
all day among the high
branches, reaching
my ripped arms, thinking
of nothing, cramming
the black honey of summer
into my mouth; all day my body
accepts what it is. In the dark
creeks that run by there is
the thick paw of my life darting among
the black bells, the leaves; there is
the happy tongue.

“Whilst August yet wears her golden crown, Ripening fields lush ~ bright with promise; Summer waxes long, then wanes, quietly passing Her fading green glory on to riotous Autumn.” ~ Michelle L. Thieme
“It is difficult to think of anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato.” ~ Lewis Grizzard
In closing, one of my favorite things about late summer is tomatoes. I know I am not the only one who adores them. A gentleman who lives on the golf course where Mike plays golf used to place a bucket of tomatoes and a salt shaker on his fence for the golfers to take as they drove by in their carts. In thinking of Mike’s friend and this scrumptious fruit, I thought I would share a great and easy recipe ~ you will thank me for this one. The recipe is from Ina Garten.
Summer Garden Pasta
4 pints cherry tomatoes, halved
Good olive oil
2 tablespoons minced garlic (6 cloves)
18 large basil leaves, julienned, plus extra for serving
½ teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
Kosher salt
½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 pound dried angel hair pasta or pasta of your choice
1½ cups freshly grated Parmesan cheese, plus extra for serving
Combine the cherry tomatoes, ½ cup olive oil, garlic, basil leaves, red pepper flakes, 1 teaspoon salt, and the pepper in a large bowl. Cover with plastic wrap, and set aside at room temperature for about 4 hours. It will not hurt to let it set longer.
Just before you’re ready to serve, bring a large pot of water with a splash of olive oil and 2 tablespoons salt to a boil and add the pasta. Cook al dente according to the directions on the package. Drain the pasta well and add to the bowl with the cherry tomatoes. Add the cheese and some extra fresh basil leaves and toss well. Serve in big bowls with extra cheese on each serving.
Dear friends, know I wish you and yours a beautiful day
And. . .
A glorious September. Be well !
“The summer air is now laced with autumn breezes. Time is passing.” ~ Victoria Erickson